Proofreading services: how bad are typos for your brand’s reputation?

Author: Alexandra Kravariti

No one appreciates tpyos (notice the clever wordplay…) as readers prefer error-free content, and it’s crucial not to be associated with publishing them. The challenge lies in making sure that typos do not slip through to the final version, which is easier said than done, as our proofreading services experts can attest.

With content marketing being a vital strategy for every modern business, it is essential to produce flawless material consistently. But how much harm can typos really inflict on your brand’s reputation?

We are all human, right?

Despite occasional typos, people tend to be unforgiving when they encounter them. The reactions to typos and poor grammar on social media highlight how individuals make a fuss about such errors.

@davidtdunn Nazis is not possessive

  • Bryan Vartabedian (@Doctor_V) February 23, 2017

@davidtdunn grammar nazis*

  • Adam Hambrick (@adamhambrick)
February 23, 2017

You may have encountered the "grammar nazis" (some of whom are part of our proofreading services team) lurking on social media. No typo seems to escape their vigilant eyes, and they are quick to point them out. It’s worth noting that these are responses to social media posts, not official content from reputable brands.

Do typos truly harm your brand?

While they may not directly harm your brand, they certainly do not contribute positively. Reactions to a typo in your content can vary:

  • Some may not notice it
  • Some may not care
  • Some may perceive your content as untrustworthy
  • Some may view you as unprofessional
  • Some may think you did not invest in proofreading services

Reactions depend on the individual’s mood, the brand they are interacting with, and the type of content they are consuming. Presenting a PowerPoint to potential investors with obvious typos is unlikely to enhance your funding prospects. On the other hand, a missed apostrophe in a blog post may not be catastrophic. However, the rule of thumb with typos is to never take the risk, as underestimating their impact can be risky.

While some typos may be more detrimental than others, they all begin innocently, and it is impossible to predict which ones will cause the most trouble. It is advisable to prevent them from occurring in the first place.

It’s not only people who dislike typos

In the previous section, we optimistically hoped that a missing apostrophe would not cause significant damage. However, when publishing content online, it is not only the readers’ reactions that matter.

Search engines also disfavor poor writing and are adept at identifying typos, spelling errors, and grammar mistakes — more so than people. Bing has explicitly stated that poor grammar and typos can lead to lower search rankings, and Google has hinted at a similar stance in the past.

While the impact of one post with typos may be limited, consistently publishing error-ridden articles undermines search engines’ confidence in the quality of your content, potentially resulting in lower rankings.

In conclusion, typos can range from being inconsequential to catastrophic for your brand. It is best not to take the risk. To illustrate the costs of typos, stay tuned for a future post on some of the most expensive ones.