The server is an OSRS gold entirely distinct member-only edition of the game

Author: Jeanskey Zhu

Old school RuneScape players seeking new skins and cosmetics through slogging through the classic MMO's world can start today with the launch of the brand new Quest Speedrunning Worlds. The server is an entirely distinct member-only edition of OSRS gold the game that has specific rules and restrictions.

In order to begin a speedrunning session participants must choose a quest when they log into the server, which they'll have to complete in the fastest time possible. To ensure that the challenge is fair the character's level are automatically adjusted to match the level required to complete the quest. Five quests will be available upon launch while ten more are expected to be added in the coming five months.

The Speedrunning points as well as trophies are given based on the speed at which the quest can be completed. These points can be used to purchase a variety of cosmetic and rewards for items, including Adventurer's Outfits at various levels, Speedy Teleport Scrolls, and the Giant Stopwatch item. It is now possible to enter the Quest Speedrunning World is officially available as of the time of writing to those who wish to challenge themselves. "Quest Speedrunning Worlds open. Visit the Quest Speedrunning World and smash those bars!" Jagex tweeted. "Show us your fastest times, but above all else, enjoy yourself!"

Jagex has announced that in conjunction with their 300 million account celebrations, they will launch Fresh Start servers for RuneScape and Old School RuneScape on September 12th for RS3 and in October for OSRS. The name suggests that these are fresh servers that players can begin from scratch in the same way as all other players. The fresh start servers will be available for a short duration (4 months) with players being moved to normal servers following the duration of the event.

RuneScape Fresh Start Worlds are set to be available for four months which will allow players to revisit RuneScape with friends as they return to famous cities, memorable quests, areas of skilling and boss fights that will give players accelerated gaming boosts and XP. Players can return to the main game at any time, with their newly-levelled character, as well as all the abundant rewards, which include new clothing pets, pet skins, new skills, and exclusive tradable rewards. For the competitive players, There's also the additional incentive of an eight-week competition focusing on world-firsts and high-scoring.

Old School RuneScape Fresh Start Worlds will be launched in October and provide players with an exciting challenge and chance. In contrast to RuneScape, Old School Fresh Start Worlds won't get the XP boost, meaning players must use their brains to stay ahead. It will provide players with the exact Old School RuneScape experience players are familiar with, but they'll be stepping into the world of an entirely new economy and RuneScape gold high-scoring scores that are waiting to be taken advantage of. Six months after launch, players will be able to have their avatars transferred to an official game server in order to keep the fun going for many years to be.