The share of contextual advertising on the Internet market
Formation of advertising on the Internet is directly related to the development of the network itself. Although the fact of the emergence of the Internet was not originally part of the needs of advertising, thanks to her he received a powerful impetus to the development. Here, again, is to turn to history.
In the internet advertising appeared in 1997, when they were first written price lists. First banners sold on the basis of payment for the show and was worth about $ 35 a day.
Its share in relation to other media platforms is growing. For example, since 2007 the share of online advertising in the advertising market has almost doubled. Back in 2008, the volume of Internet advertising surpassed radio advertising
The constant growth of online advertising is not interrupted even during the financial crisis, when the budgets of many advertisers significantly reduced. According to RACA, in the crisis of 2009 all World advertising market has shrunk by 26%, while at the same time, the turnover of online advertising, on the contrary, increased by 8% - from "sell" advertising companies refused last. In the first half of 2010, the growth rate of online advertising were even higher - compared to the first half of 2009 turnover in this segment increased by 33%.
"The threshold of entry into the market of contextual advertising is minimal - about $ 500, and the audience clearly defined", - says Director of Marketing Mindshare Interaction "Five minutes of advertising on television can cost hundreds of thousands of rubles, ads in print media such as a child or in a good location is also quite expensive - agrees with her Sergey Veselov (Marketing Research Director of the analytical center" Video interneshl "(ATSVI)). - Contextual advertising allows companies to make themselves even at very small advertising budgets. " This explains the popularity of PPC advertising from small and medium-sized companies.
Especially for beginners, which is becoming more and more tools are quite simple placement of advertisements. They allow you to place contextual advertising, without going into the details of it.
For example: in 2009, appeared in the directives "Light" campaign management interface. All major operations are automated with it, allowing you to create an ad in less than fifteen minutes. 86% of users are "easy" interface - Customers with an average monthly budget of less than 3, 000 rubles.
Big brands for this type of advertising involves the ability to instantly participate in electronic commerce.
Thus, according to, most corporations are cooperating with online shopping or have their own virtual marketplaces. In addition, corporations, buying whole phrases or thematic units, create content using their own association ranks. Julia Udovenko said that on behalf of the brand, users are offered a whole article, a group of social networks or search queries.
By the end of 2012, the rate of volume growth of advertising on the Internet by a considerable margin ahead of the figures in other areas of advertising and the average equal to 35%. Showed positive dynamics, all segments of the advertising market, however, the main leader remains contextual advertising that appears in the search results and relevant resources. Thus, according to analysts, in 2012, the content was 38.4 billion rubles. This is almost two times more than the year before in 2011.
Based on the estimates of the market context made ACAR and Mindshare, 75-80% accounted for Yandex. Direct. The rest of the system is divided between "runner" and Google AdWords.
Internet portal "Yandex" for the last year recorded a turnover growth of 14% compared with 2008, to 8.7 billion, the total number of customers increased in 2009 by 55%.
Most of the revenue, "Yandex" brings contextual advertising - 86 % share of display advertising is 11%. Online projects ID "WFD-media" have also increased - by an average of 10.5%. In 2008, the Internet advertising market is growing increasingly - on more than 32% per year.
Popular content increases due to the growth of the Internet audience:
- Everything becomes more affordable mobile Internet. According to the FOM ( Public Opinion Foundation) 21 million Internet users in Russia - an audience of mobile internet;
- Internet penetrates into the regions of potential customers in the region are increasing;
- However, access to the Internet becomes cheaper.
All this increases the possibility of more frequent use of the Internet and an active interest in the ad content, as Ad content - this is the first thing a user sees on the search page.
In terms of the first half of 2012, the results of contextual advertising amounted to about 12 billion rubles, which means - have risen by 26% compared with the same period last year. Even better results were in the second half of 2012, reaching 16, 4 billion.
Yandex Direct in 2012, took the major share of the Russian market (60-65%). Its turnover from contextual advertising in 2012 amounted to 20.6 billion rubles. ($ 702 million). Google used the less popular (31%). And the runner covers only 7% of the users.
Contextual advertising is 65% of the total advertising market Runeta
Based on the forecasts of experts, we can expect that in 2013 the total online advertising market, at the expense of content to increase by at least 34%. And throughout the year contextual advertising will not only maintain its leading position, but also to gain momentum.
Showed positive dynamics, all segments of the advertising market, however, the main leader remains contextual advertising that appears in the search results and relevant resources. Thus, according to analysts, in 2012, the content was 38.4 billion rubles., Showing an increase of 45%
Contextual advertising is the fastest growing form of advertising in World- not only on the turnover, but also on the number of advertisers.
During the financial crisis of 2008-2009 contextual advertising was the most popular type of advertising. While the entire advertising market shrank, turnover continued to grow context. This is due to the fact that contextual ads can be placed even on a very small budget and only pay for leads.
Contextual advertising can afford any advertiser, regardless of the size of the business. Because of this it has become a massive tool to attract customers. At the same time, the content remains high growth potential, as the number of businesses that are not covered by contextual advertising, is still high.
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