As the bloodthirsty sharks Marketing satisfy the thirst for sale?
"Advertise food to the hungry, house - the homeless and shoes - barefoot is not necessary "
Highly competitive markets such as the footwear industry, require close attention on the part of the players and requires them to keep abreast of cutting-edge marketing solutions. Plankton provincial shallow niches can do without innovation, but the sharks marketing, furrowing the world's oceans, craves fresh blood: the industry requires new infusions from management, psychology, drama, and other related areas. That shark innovators monitor global markets, and they dictate their own rules here. An independent expert in the field of innovative marketing, shares his experience of selling goods in such a complex and interesting at the same time today's market.
The crisis of the genre and a new hope
All the most obvious marketing solutions are not, 1) it is unlikely that you will be able to offer the consumer something new, and 2) the consumer ignores you, while remaining indifferent to any of your ad campaigns, and 3) even satisfied consumers are unlikely to say about you to their friends. The consumer has everything he needs, and so it will not waste your precious time looking for something new. He does not want to listen to you.
This could be a sour note to end the conversation, but we will continue...
Only sharks marketing can excite the consumer. No one else he would not listen. Highly specialized approach to marketing does not work anymore. Modern Marketing - a field of talented people who are known to be talented in everything. Today, the advanced marketer - is, in addition to "standard", a virtuoso performer, first-class coach, clairvoyant seer, sensitive psychologist, philosopher, wise, eloquent writer, the most-most in all respects and a good person.
As often happens, the amazing and interesting for the consumer results, are born in the wake of conflict and the interface of different technologies: a small pen - writing long, thin medium - high volume, lightweight breathable shoes - keep the heat in the winter. The same "fate" is not spared and marketing. Innovative marketing gives us a set of principles by which you can infuse new blood into the business with minimal effort and cost.
The purpose of the article - to inspire you to action, consistent with the principles of marketing innovation and, consequently, to revive the market for your product. If, after reading this article you will have brilliant ideas to stimulate the market for, and you will feel inspired to concrete practical actions dictated by these ideas, the author will breathe easy.
"Your thoughts smell so loud that the consumer does not hear your words"
Every manufacturer, especially if the market is highly competitive markets it is eager to become more visible to the consumer. Longs to do something that will provide the bulk of its competitors. It's the age-old marketing question: "How to surprise the consumer to bring him with the goods?" The new advertising media, new manipulative techniques, new psychological tricks. New is the new lo... But for all this newness is unchanging external inner motive: to fool everyone, and above all, the consumer, to do less, get more, to assert its superiority. And the consumer feels it. Our thoughts smell so loud that the consumer does not hear our words.
Marketers, in a fierce battle for the consumer, offering a bunch of new "how", but leave all of the same "why?", And so their appearance flurry of activity does not lead to any significant result and a market continues to exist rather in spite of, not because of the marketing campaign. It is said that money does not smell, but the smell starts with the man himself, ready to do anything for a living. To hide the smell does not get any money. All the actions of a man riddled with envy and greed. With such a man no one wants to deal with. For innovative marketing envy and greed - a luxury, They block access to the consumer's heart.
What makes the modern marketing?
Envy and greed in this age are very well organized and are whole formed. Greed - it's capitalism. Envy - it Communism superbly organized envy on a huge scale. There is a whole system of human values that grew out of greed and envy. But innovative marketing offers other values: love and care about the consumer, based on unselfishness. Even economists suggest that this approach is to build a relationship with the consumer economically expedient.
Innovative marketing focuses on customer satisfaction. The benefits brought by our customer of selfless motives, gives enlightenment to our minds and develops a deep inner qualities. We are improving due to such activities. Innovative marketing offers to organize love, kindness. Where are these organizations? "If you want to about love, about the good - go to a monastery in his cell and did not get out of there! It's all there. Away. We have a secular normal healthy society. Here we are fighting for survival, who are playing in that lucky. And then we win their happiness by their own efforts and hands without caving under anybody! "
These are the thoughts of the absolute majority of modern business. And the consumer feels these thoughts, under which they would wrap it not been submitted. Therefore, it will be indifferent to any offers and no marketing campaign will not be able to melt his heart. The situation can change only the radical overhaul of their internal motivations. This is precisely the essence of marketing innovation.
The essence of marketing innovation
Do you want to win the consumer? Do you want to show originality? Change your tune! Then all the same external actions give a qualitative different result. The originality of the approach is the lack of approach. We just learn to leave the consumer and be his friend, not to seek his friendship. We just learn to be useful to the consumer, rather than look for ways to exploit it for their own selfish interests. The feeling is our relationship to it, the consumer is responsible to us for their interest. In doing so, we satisfy the deep human need for love and care, which are now in a huge deficit. The consumer now as hungry as ever, and a hungry man is not necessary to advertise food. It remains to understand what the consumer wants food and give it to him.
Think of others can only be self-realized person who derives pleasure in itself. When such a person comes into contact with other people, it does so only for the sake of conversation. Most often such persons are found in religious circles: St. Seraphim of Sarov, Mother Teresa, Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada. But such people are also in secular environments! Princess Diana, for example (which, by the way, was familiar with Mother Teresa). Princess Diana was born into a poor family, but her motives brought it to light.
Most birds of luck bypasses the business because of the pettiness of their goals. Does money and power are great values that much of the business puts them at the forefront? On our planet, there is no man who would become happy, putting the money and power in itself. Quite the contrary. In fact, the rich people even more miserable than the poor, because the poor still have hope that becoming rich, they will find happiness, but the rich that hope is gone. To think that "it is better to grieve in an expensive apartment than under the fence" - a very lightly It so happens that wealth makes a man a slave. In the literal sense of the word.
Sweet finally
On the surface, the principles of marketing innovation (love, caring, kindness, etc.) may seem silly sentiments. But this superficial judgment immediately changes when you hear the names of people who have achieved success in their lives guided by the non-traditional approach to marketing.
George Ford (great-grandson of Henry Ford) as part of the mission of their religious faith builds a city in India (Mayapur) putting back almost all their income. George Harrison has mobilized its popularity in the service of others, having carried out a major contribution (both material and spiritual) to the mission spread the message of love to God as the supreme goal of human life. Peter Fly - the spiritual leader of the Hare Krishna community in Hungary that was covered in 2009 by the high state awards. Torsten Pettersson - the son of the chief of Hamburg Railroad Administration (Ernst Gunther Petterson). Since childhood, his father had taught him that he should be useful his country, and he learned his lesson, entirely dedicated his life to spiritual practice. Feyvors John - crowned leader of a tribe in Nigeria, Warri consultant and popular leaders of higher government level. Richard Slavin - no remarkable young man who has achieved such a high position, which was a welcome guest in the British Parliament. Schaufuss Anna - the most expensive model of London, about which it is said: "She left everything for Krishna." Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada - "capitalist in the monk's robes." Only one of his real estate are worth! The greatness of Donald Trump on the background just fades away.
This is only a small portion of people successfully applying the principles in their lives innovative marketing. They are readily available and their implementation does not require bailouts. The only thing that is needed is courage. And if modern marketing to bring to the words "the strongest wins", the innovative marketing will come down to the words "Bold wins." The one who is not afraid to tell others about their ideals, no matter how unpopular they may be. So are these sharks.
PS. About each of these great personalities can write a separate article, but why repeat "Wikipedia"? His interest you can quench it. Read about people - it's like that to communicate with them. Communicating with them or reading about them can take over their quality, infected by their enthusiasm, to learn to think on their own and excite their customers.
Nick Damronis a basically Advertiser. He has many remarkable Advertising agencies projects and Advertising agency on her behalf. After many successful projects he runs her own Advertising house and also Advertising agencies in Pakistan he uses to write articles in many newspapers and magazines. This is one of them…..