Reiki London to heal the ailing body and mind

Author: Rekha Reiki

Reiki London is the spiritual treatment to heal ailing body and the mind by placing palms on the hands or the parts that needs special attention. It is the form of holistic therapy courses that attends to the overall healing of the body in eliminating the sickness or the ailment from the human body. The life energy flows from the healer’s palms to the body of the patient healing him from all the aspects of life. This form of holistic treatment believes in curing the person’s psychological and physiological aspect to eliminate the disease from the roots. The higher the life force energy the more is the chance to recover and lead a prosperous and happy life.

Reiki London follows both the Japanese and the Western Reiki. Japanese Reiki belongs to the traditional Reiki which is closely related to the master’s teachings of the discipline whereas the Western form differs in the placing of the hands for treating internal paths and injuries. The duration of the whole treatment differs from person to person and the intensity of the ailment. The study and practice of Reiki is universal and anyone can learn if taken seriously. It is the gift from nature’s resources which is the reason for self preservation and vitality of oneself. Reiki is solely the manifestation of the supreme universe with the five elements to heal and treat the physical body.

The holistic therapy courses have the capacity to cure the mental health of the human being. An unfortunate mental situation can often lead to depression which is prevalent in today’s living standards due to the disposable money that is available very easily and the never ending cravings for fulfilling the dreams and the never give up attitudes. It is an accepted truth that the health is the greatest wealth and retaining one’s sanity helps to think logically and upholds the ability to reason. The holistic therapies include healing by crystals, yoga and meditation, stones, past life regression and hypnotherapy, tarot card readings and healing by balancing the chakras which helps in enlightening the knowledge and self realization.

Reiki London is the accepted form of holistic therapy courses that believes the person’s self capacity to heal one’s own body. Apart from gaining freedom from the ailment it relaxes the mind and carefully analyzes the reasons behind the inception of the ailment. Modern medicines will only prescribe antibiotics but holistic treatments do not believe in the consumption of medicines and loose the immunity power.