1Z0-528 Cracking the Oracle Exam

Author: David Tolmie

What is the 1Z0-528?

The 1Z0-528 Oracle Database 11g Security Essentials exam is a test that is targeted towards skilled professionals who are extremely good at utilizing the Oracle Database 11g security options to implement sturdy solutions. 1Z0-528 Online Study The exam is highly revered in Database security circles across the world and is a gateway to a great career in the Database industry. Moreover, since it is offered by Oracle, which is one of the market leaders, it is very widely accepted and preferred by industry insiders globally.

More about the exam:

The exam, conducted for Oracle by Pearson Vue, mainly tests for implementation strategies, techniques and skills. 1Z0-528 Latest PDF Demo The major areas of focus are the Audit Vault, Advanced Security Option, Enterprise Manager Data Masking and Database Vault.

Since this exam is focused on professionals, Oracles suggests that all applicants have the latest training, are updated in the topics and have adequate field experience to face the tough exam.

Those Oracle Partners who are up to the challenge of the exam and crack it are recognized by Oracle as OPN Certified Specialists and not only that, once someone has this certification, 1Z0-528 Latest Certification Tests it also helps the company they work at qualify for the Oracle Database Security Options Specialization. This is an added advantage that the certification brings to the qualified persons' resume.

Usually the exam is around 100 minutes long, has 70 multiple choice questions and requires a minimum of 66% to be considered for the certification. 1Z0-528 Free PDF Demo Oracle recommends those who crack this exam to apply for the Oracle Database 11g Security Certified Implementation Specialist exams.

The certificate is highly valued because studies show that companies that have more than 25% of employees with this certification consistently perform more efficiently, faster, under budget and usually without external help.

What else do I need to know to crack the Oracle Database 11g Security Essentials exam?

Anybody planning to crack this exam needs to have an excellent understanding of the Oracle Database 11g: Security Release 2.

Apart from this, some recommended training courses for Oracle Database 11g Security Essentials exams and other test materials are available at Oracle University online. 1Z0-528 Exams Study Guides Oracle suggests that these courses alone are not sufficient and that any applicant must have hands on experience, on the job training and should be able to perform the mentioned tasks efficiently and perfectly since the Oracle University test materials alone do not suffice.

Additionally brain dumps of past exams maybe found online but Oracle strictly states that any examine found to have used them will be disqualified as these dumps are often not authentic and more than that they violate the terms of the exam.

However Oracle suggests and integrated approach for exam preparation. Apart from this, some resources are available for Oracle Partners only including, Oracle Database 11g Security Options Implementation's OPN Guided Learning, Oracle Partner Network Members Training Opportunities, 1Z0-528 Free Demo Questions and Answers a Boot Camp for Database Security Options Implementation, and other exam practice and training resources segregated by topics that will be tested in the exam.

Get your Future Secure by Passing 1Z0-528 Practice Test and 1Z0-530 Training Material With CertifyGuide Latest Preparation Material.