What is Panchakarma?
Panchkarma treatment in Ayurvedic refers to five therapeutic measures (Karmas) to be undertaken for complete Detoxification of body. The Panchakarma treatment includes five Ayurvedic therapies:
- Vaman (Medicated Emesis)
- Virechan (Purgation)
- Nasyam (Nasal Instillation)
- Kashay Basti (Enema)
- Sneha Basti (Enema)
What Are the Five Therapies Included in Panchakarma?
Sneha Vasti
Kashaya Vasti
Benefits of Panchakarma?
Panchakarma is one of the best natural Ayurvedic therapies for Detoxification that expels body toxins through different therapies. Human body is like a machine and the way a machine needs cleaning and lubrication from time to time to improve the efficiency and quality, our body also needs cleansing from time to time. With the modern life being full of tensions and turmoil, there is limited scope for relaxation. Further lack of physical activity, consumption of unhealthy foods, and habits such as smoking or drinking alcohol are responsible for increasing toxin levels in the body. This build-up of toxins is a precursor to several chronic illnesses such as diabetes, heart diseases, and even cancer. To prevent the risk of these illnesses we need to regularly elimin
An Effective Ayurvedic Body Detoxification Treatment
History and Origin of Panchakarma Therapy
According to experts Panchakarma is known since the Vedic period. Some of the classic Ayurvedic texts like Charaka samhita, Susruta samhita and Ashtanga Hrdayam have extensively described Panchakarma procedure & other treatments.
In today’s life, Ayurveda & Panchakarma treatments, yoga and meditation offer several benefits compared to modern medicine & even other traditional forms of medicine. At NuAyurveda we conduct 400 to 500 Panchakarma treatments ever month at every clinic. The treatments are beneficial not only for treating ailments but also for maintaining a healthy life.b
Ayurvedic Panchakarma treatment for infertility
Ayurveda is a branch of ancient traditional Hindu medicine, which came into existence almost 5000 years ago. When accepted and used as directed, Ayurvedic treatments can be very beneficial. And, one of the most popular and sought-after treatment in Ayurveda is Panchakarma. It is a body-cleanse treatment to remove all the ama or toxins from the body. However, did you know? The Panchakarma treatment can also be customised according to the patient to cure infertility. There are several Ayurvedic medicines that aid purification of the uterus to overcome infertility. ate toxins from the body which can be easily achieved through regular Panchakarma treatment.
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