Hybrid Cryptocurrency Exchange Development - Bitdeal

Author: Jack Daniels

In this article we are going to discuss about how cryptocurrency exchange industry has evlolved, hybrid cryptocurrency exchanges, and the scope of hybrid cryptocurrency exchanges. Before that let us have a recap.Cryptocurrency Industry before DEX and After DEXWe can classify the cryptocurrency industry into two big eras, that is Before DEX and After DEX (decentralized Exchanges). Why because, If you look back the cryptocurrency industry in 2015 or 2016, you could find that centralized cryptocurrency exchange websites were ruler of the market. Because this kind of cryptocurrency exchanges created a line for traders to trade cryptos safely with anyone. And we can strongly say that the market of bitcoin were hyped only after the plantation of centralized exchanges all over the globe. People also found that this centralized exchanges are the only possible way to buy and sell bitcoins at low cost. Apart from the traders, and cryptocurrency exchange websites, there were another set of people who were behind the success of bitcoin and the entire cryptocurrency industry. They are b2b cryptocurrency exchange development companies.In the earlier stage, there were only a few cryptocurrency exchange development companies, But after the hype of bitcoin $10000, there were plenty of startups arrived in to market, this created a huge competitions among each other. But positively, this competition have boosted up the industry growth and the arrival of hi-tech centralized cryptocurrency exchanges. The key to break the competition was "uniqueness and the technology" used. However, Even the hi-tech centralized cryptocurrency exchanges too had some security holes, so to break those inconveniences " decentralized exchanges" have arrived in to market. Decentralized exchanges have created a smooth way to proceed peer to peer cryptocurrency trading.

For deeper understanding about decentralized exchange check this article. The importance of Decentralized ExchangesSo this is how cryptocurrency exchange websites have evolved, but the evolution still continues with the arrival of hybrid cryptocurrency exchange development. Hybrid Cryptocurrency ExchangesHybrid cryptocurrency exchanges are nothing, but the mixture of centralized and decentralized exchange features. Any website which operates as centralized and gives free space for decentralized trading is known as hybrid cryptocurrecny exchanges.Hybrid Cryptocurrency Exchanges: Is It Possible?Ofcourse, it is possible. By integrating both trading features in one website, we can make it. It will give an option for the traders to choose which mode they want to proceed. Hybrid Decentralized Exchange DevelopmentHybrid decentralized exchanges are the Combination of both ethereum decentralized exchange and TRON Decentralized exchange in just one single platform. Ethereum DEX + TRON DEX= Hybrid Decentralized ExchangeThis kind of hybrid decentralized exchange executes trading transactions on smart contracts. Best Example for this kind of exchange is " Joyso" and " TRON Joyso". Joyso is an Ethereum ERC 20 decentralized exchange, and TRON Joyso is TRON TRC 20 Decentrlaized exchange. At bitdeal we build Joyso like hybrid decentralized exchanges, whereas the trader can trade erc20 tokens on TRC 20 token on one single hybrid exchange. We create,

  • ethereum smart contract based decentralized exchanges like IDEX, 0x.org,Ether Delta, Uniswap, TokenLon, and more.
  • TRON Smart contract based Decentralized Exchanges Like Joyso, PoloniDEX, Zephyr, and more.
Hybrid Cryptocurrency Exchange Development The competitions among b2b cryptocurrency exchange development startups will be rough always. We bitdeal beat the competition with our unique development strategy and innovative ideas. We enjoy choosing complex things and finding the simple ways to reduce the complexity. We want to be the first in trying out something new which will have huge potential future in market. This is how we choose hybrid cryptocurrency exchange development, we believe this will be the future of cryptocurrency exchanges after dex. With 120+ expert developer team bitdeal can derive you an unique development strategy to build hi-secured hybrid cryptocurrency exchange website. We use upgraded script and software programs to give life to the hybrid cryptocurrency exchange development process. You can check the existing demo of our cryptocurrency exchange script exclusively here.Source: https://www.bitdeal.net/hybrid-cryptocurrency-exchange-development

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