A Fantasy Japanese Manga: Claymore
Claymore Manga is a dark fantasy type of manga series that was written and illustrated by an author called Norihiro Yagi. Claymore Manga series originally featured in Monthly Shonen Jump from the month of May in 2001 issue. However, this magazine was banned in June, 2007 and the series was moved to Weekly Shonen Jump series and was monthly published for a few months. The series then moved to Jump Square in November, 2007. By June, 2014, Claymore manga had released 26 volumes where individual chapters had been published in tankobon by Shueisha.
The Claymore manga series was licensed in English language release in Northern America by the Viz Media. The first volume of the series was released on 4th April 2006 and had released 26 volumes by 4th June 2014. Further, the adaption of anime was licensed for publication in Northern America by the Funimation Entertainment which released the 1st DVD for Claymore Manga in 2008 and later released the whole series in Spring 2010. Madman Entertainment licensed the anime for release and publication in New Zealand and Australia and the anime was further sublicensed by the Manga Entertainment for United Kingdom distribution.
The Claymore Manga series was also licensed for release in other regional and international languages of the world, for example; by Comix-ART in Russia, Glenat in France and Spain, Grupo Editorial Vid in Mexico, Star Comics in Italy, Panini Comics Brazil and Tokyopop in Germany.
Claymore Manga Series is a fictional story that was set on the medieval island in which human beings are plagued by Yoma; human shape-shifters which feed on human beings. There was a group of female warrior called Claymores that was dedicated to fight and kill Yoma at a fee. Both Yoma and Claymore used Yoki (demonic energy) for shape shifting and to gain strength. The island was divided into regions or districts where one warrior was assigned to each. The senior Claymore in every district was assigned the high rank depending on her Yoki Potential, agility, strength, intelligence, leadership and sensing skills. Her rank may rise or fall depending on her strength in relation to other claymore warriors.
In Claymore Manga, every warrior has unique name and sword techniques to differentiate herself from other members. She also has different Yoki abilities and unique fighting styles. The unique sword techniques include twisting her arm around as well as thrusting for drill like strikes, resheathing and unsheathing the sword within a twinkle of an eye and also vibrating the sword so fast that the enemy cannot realize where the sword comes from. Other techniques include fighting with 2 blades, stretching their arms and being able to release a Yoki burst at a high speed. Some claymores in the Organization are also able to sense Yoki from far distance and accurately sense its exact location at close quarters.
Moreover, in Claymore Manga series, there is another category of warriors who use offensive ways that are based on Yoki. For example, Galatea’s uses her ability controlling the Yoki of her opponent during the battle time thus causing the Yoma (enemy or opponent) to miss his attack. Teresa’s technique is her strongest ability to sense Yoki of her opponent even when moving around. This helps her to plan on how to attack her enemy. Raftela has the ability to manipulate the movement and vision other Claymores.
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