Post graduate online language certificate programs
During the 50s and 60s the Foreign Service Institute of the United States developed a series of language courses aimed primarily at officials and military with foreign destinations. Released into the public domain, Study Post graduate online courses now serve alongside other methods, to citizens around the world to learn languages for free thanks to the Internet.
The language courses at the Foreign Service Institute of the United States have enjoyed a good reputation among English speakers for their practical guidance
There are many ways to learn a language; one of the most used for those who have little time and some haste language post graduate online certificate programs courses are based on texts, audio and video, allowing to adapt the pace and time dedicated to the possibilities of each student.
Language courses in the United States have enjoyed a good reputation among English speakers for its practical orientation and effectiveness achieved in learning.
These study post graduate online courses have given rise to numerous versions and distributions, and not always officially, because although there are many who claim to be based on these courses, few can be considered official.
A group of volunteers have collected those old courses and all study materials edited audio and text and scanned. With all this material, organized by language and levels, have created a website and have been made available to anyone who wishes to consult on the Web for free for download, always under the project Language Courses.
A group of volunteers have collected those old courses and all study materials edited audio and text and have digitized
The site is organized in a very sober way, with a simple menu on the left side of the page showing existing courses and materials to download for each. Among the available languages Swedish, Chinese, Arabic, German, French, Portuguese and others are, but do not have full courses of each and every one of them as they are completed as the user donations received that involved in the project.
Advantages and disadvantages- The benefits of this project are mainly the solvency of the method and the ability to access all the material available for free.
Which could be called the updated versions of online courses are available, by another organization in the United States, the NTIS (National Technical Information Service). The courses are available in various formats CD Rom, DVD and VHS, and also include audio books support. The price, for example Spanish course on CD Rom stands at $ 140, about 104 Euros.
Other courses are also available free in online version for purchase on DVD and permit viewing directly from the web. You only need to register and access to an area where you can download course materials, watch videos and other supporting materials.
The advent of podcasting and portable audio players have been a good incentive for the creation and distribution of audiovisual language courses as they have facilitated the sharing of user-generated content.
Today you can choose from a wide range of language courses in this format, both by language and by types of courses. There are numerous podcasts of language courses designed for English speakers but also for those who have Foreign as their mother tongue or want to learn.
Finally, it is also possible to find a good complement to the language courses in a satellite project called Wikipedia Wiki books. There are a number of languages available to learn having as origin the Foreign, the English or from other languages.