Finding Balance In A Technology-Driven World- Know About Digital Detox

Author: Chaitanya Kumari

Technological boom gave us wings to fly and to connect with the world at the fastest speed. The digital revolution has had a major influence on our lives, thus changing it forever. We can access information anywhere worldwide by sitting at home and clicking on the mouse buttons.

Even mobile phones have changed the way we used to perceive our lives. Right from news to entertainment, infotainment to education everything is available on our mobile phones nowadays. People of all ages now engage on various platforms. We can now say that social media has become an irreplaceable aspect of our lives.

However, this omnipresence of social media and the internet with information overload is a significant reason for distress in our lives. We have gotten so addicted to social media that we have to post pictures all the time updating about our activities to the whole world. People are always busy chatting, posting updates, and pictures, giving likes, and sharing information. In doing so, they are missing out on life around them.

We hardly sit and watch a flower blooming, birds flying from one branch to the other and chirping; we hardly notice any changes in the nature around us or even in our lives. We have forgotten the joy of chatting with our family and friends in our leisure time, reading books, going for walks, or playing with our kids. Even if we do these activities, we are still busy tracking information on our mobiles.

Gadgets have become a vital component of our lives. Smartphones, smartwatches, and smart televisions bring us all the information but do not necessarily make us happy. Human beings losing out on real relationships can only spell doom. There is no value addition in our lives because we are always busy watching whatever happens in someone else’s life as he/she has updated on their status. The kids, these days hardly have real friends and friendships because they are also busy on tablets watching shows or chatting with friends. This leads to loneliness, sadness, depression, various kinds of health diseases, and also eye problems. To cope with these, we need to have an active life full of interesting things to do.

This will only happen with a digital detox. Digital detox means taking a break from any smart device that brings information throughout the day. This can help lower stress levels because you will be free from the digital trap. It will help relax your eyes and mind, which are under constant pressure of processing information, most of which is unnecessary. The goal of digital detox in life is to establish a balance with technology so that you can get some time without it. Forgetting to indulge in other activities is not a healthy sign.

During a digital detox, we should practice everything we usually do not do when we are busy on our smartphones 24*7. By detaching from our smart devices, we will have improved sleep, better focus, improved postures, enhanced creativity, and better work-life balance.

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