Comprehensive IT outsourcing services Comprehensive IT outsourcing services

Author: Sarah Coolen

There are two different approaches to outsourcing and while the principle is the same for both, the net gain that we have by using one over the other depends on the projects at hand. If we’re looking for a company that can provide us with standard services like website design and creation or customer support, then we can safely rely on offsite outsourcing companies. However, if we’re interested in having more control over the projects or if we want to be directly involved in the process, then we should try in-house software development outsourcing.

The first question that we have to ask ourselves is why IT outsourcing is a great opportunity for companies that are looking into enterprise software development or for providing a more comprehensive service to their customers. The simple answer to this is that outsourcing some of our services will allow us to cut costs, because it is cheaper than having our own employees work on this. However, such a maneuver will allow us to increase the performance of our company by allowing our employees to specialize in performing certain tasks and not splitting them needlessly between various projects. Furthermore, because software development outsourcing will allow us to provide our clients, customers and partners with more comprehensive and complex services we can also hope to increase our company’s profitability, and even expand the number of loyal customers we have.

The market is almost saturated with companies that are seeking to provide IT outsourcing services. However, many of the companies that have sought this kind of service are probably already aware of the fact that the transparency of the whole software development process is sometimes lacking. This is an issue that can’t always be avoided. While we can provide the company that we hire with a general guideline on what the software that we require needs to look like, the fact is that we can’t hope to let them know how it’s best to undertake every step of the process. A more problematic aspect has to do with the intellectual rights over the method used in the development of the software. Even though the idea on how to develop the software came from us, it is not always clear whether we will be the ones credited for the tool created.

The solution to most of the problems listed with offshore outsourcing is switching to an in house or onsite IT outsourcing service. This means that instead of having a team of developers work on our project somewhere on the other side of the globe we will benefit from having a team of professionals working directly under us. By hiring such services we won’t have to worry about transparency issues and neither will we have to concern ourselves with the many hurdles that hiring employees inside our own companies would be. Furthermore, there will no longer be any issues regarding the intellectual rights that we have over the developed software and the method or tools used for creating it.

Are you looking for an in house IT outsourcing ( ) solution? Benefit from having a professional and dedicated team of developers working for you by choosing onsite software development outsourcing ( ) services.