Five things to avoid for job interview

Author: Shaikh Kabir

A job interview can be a nerve wracking experience for most of us. However by avoiding these five things, you will be able to ace any interview.

  1. Arrive on time looking presentable. Ensure you are there ten minutes before your interview appointment. This will make you look professional and eager. Be dressed professionally in clean clothing. Do not arrive too early as this will make you seem desperate which can be count against you.
  2. Do not lie. Although you may be tempted to embellish the truth in your interview, do not do this. It is very easy to catch out lies during the follow up questions and the interviewer will be able to decipher the truth quickly. You also put yourself at the risk of forgetting what you said leading to further embarrassment.
  3. Complaining about your current/former boss. This will make it seem like you cannot handle professional work environments. You also put yourself at the risk of sounding like you will not be able to work within a team due to your complaining nature.
  4. Being unprepared for the interview. Make sure you have done the appropriate amount of research on the company you are interviewing for. While you are not expected to know everything about them, you will certainly be asked about the basics of their company which is any information available on their website. Research both the company and job thoroughly so that you are able to answer any of their queries with ease.
  5. Asking no questions about the job. Having no questions for the interviewers at the end of your interview will make you look unprofessional and uninterested. This is the time to ask about specifics about the role or what kind of characteristics they are looking for in a potential employee. Once you have the answers to these questions, you will be able to refer back to yourself to show them why you are the best candidate for the job.

Words to use instead : "I set that was the perfect time to pursue a graduate degree and currently that I’ve completed it and worked in retail for 2 years simply to create ends meet, I’m able to place my information to sensible use." Don’t play prey to your conditions; employers wish to visualize however you thought outside the box and took initiative even once economic things or external factors could have vie a job in telling your employment story.