Six Sigma Certification - Understanding The History Behind The Concept
The world of business and corporate culture is always on the lookout for better and more efficient ways to improve efficiency of their operations. And most of these endeavours circle around the six sigma system of planning and execution – a strategy that allows managers as well as workers to reduce mistakes and resource wastage along the way to produce faster, more efficient results, better quality products/services, more productivity and higher levels of satisfaction from customers. Perhaps this is the reason why more and more companies are urging their managers to take up six sigma certification courses in order to learn the best practices to follow to get the most from their operations and processes.
But before you go ahead and take up such a course, it will be better to actually understand where this concept actually came from. In this article, we will try and understand the history behind the six sigma system.
I am sure that you already know by now that this strategy was first implemented by the Motorola Corporation back in the 1980s. An engineer by the name of Bill Smith, along with the CEO of the company at that time, Bob Galvin were working together in a desperate search for a way to bring statistics and finances together. The idea here was to actually try and quantify each and every level of the company’s operations so as to ensure that maximum possible utilisation of resources was being achieved and that profit margins were improved. They were able to mix their knowledge in order to be able to utilize different tools of measurement in order to significantly improve the quality of the organization as well as the profit margin. This was the first time that the six sigma strategy was utilised for organisational success.
In the days to come, Richard Schoreder and Dr. Mikel Harry worked on the strategy to transform it into a more widely acceptable process. This was the stage where the six sigma culture went beyond the phase of being a company specific case study and took on the shape of a system than could be easily implemented in any organisation to get effective results. The strategy helps companies in following a structured method to improve the daily operations and processes of an organisation, thereby reducing the mistakes being committed along the way and creating products or services that exhibit excellent quality. This in turn helps in improving profit margins as well as the reputation of the company in the market. The strategy focuses on reducing processing variations, while also reducing defects for products and services. The weak spots in any organisational structure or operations are spotted and resolved through the tools that have been devised under the six sigma system.
So if you are considering taking up a six sigma certification course to improve your working efficiency, you are now a part of a long history that has made this system what it is today. Visit to know more about six sigma training online.
About The Author
Jemma Fitzgerald is a Six Sigma certification expert. Through her articles and blogs, she likes to provide her informative tips and advice to trainees as well as business houses looking to take up these courses. She recommends as the best and most trusted online training provider for the purpose.