Stay abreast with latest current affairs and pass every exam of your life

Author: Brajesh Gupta

Current affairs has always been one of the most important mandatory study topics since school days. Today also, when we go for competitive written examinations and personal interviews, it holds good weightage. It includes the detailed explanation and analysis of current events and issues that have recently occurred or are still going on. current affairs cover a broad spectrum of subjects related to national and international happenings, economy, sports, environment, and science and technology. It also focuses on political and business events across different continents. Corporate mergers and acquisitions and industry decisions are always in limelight.Considering the depth of this subject, it is always suggested that one should limit his or her study of latest affairs to the extent of particulars required by an individual in written tests, group discussions or personal interaction rounds.

Increasing inter-dependence of economies on each other has made this subject very relevant. Any happening in one particular country is bound to affect other country’s development and so the candidates should be well aware of all such happenings. Similarly, one sector’s growth or failure influences other sector’s future and so it important to keep an eye on them.

The increase in competition among students and job applicants has made this subject all the more demanding and interesting for all.Candidates who are especially appearing for govt jobs like civil services, banking and insurance sector, are judged on the knowledge of their surroundings. In IAS test papers, more than 50% of questions are based on current affairs and similarly, in law examinations, problems on latest issues hold more weightage.

Thesedays, people who want to know all about current affairs especially for their academic and employment assignments, can get plenty of help online. There are many web portals that offer insight into latest happenings in and around the world. Interested individuals can also get details of every field, date wise and in Hindi. They can check their knowledge through online quizzes. Additionally, they can fetch comprehensive and holistic information on past related events for analysis.

To conclude, it is always wise for people of all age groups and occupations to be updated on recent issues and have a viewpoint. This particular subject of interest i.e. current affairs should ideally be subscribed in many ways through online portals much like the facebook, whatsapp and other android applications to stay current! for More information visit: