My Medication Journal and App Takes the Confusion Out of Taking Medications

Author: Gsf Admin

If you or a loved one takes medications today, chances are you have notes written about them stashed everywhere. Maybe on the desk you pay bills from, on the side of the refrigerator, in your wallet or purse - just about anywhere will find a note about something related to your medications at some point. Quite simply, there is a better way.

My Medication Journal has created the best way to get it together and keep it together when it comes to medication information. All of the pertinent information about what you are taking, when, how much, brand names, generics, instructions - all of it in one neat, compact journal that comes in different sizes, colors and configurations to suit your style. There is the small, fit it in your pocket 3 x 5 size, and the one a little larger at 5 x 7 that has more space. You can get them solid bound or wire bound - whichever feels best.

These handy record keepers from My Medication Journal were created by a Doctor of Pharmacy who saw too many instances of problems related to poor understanding of how medications were being administered, taken and prescribed. Realizing that just by consolidating the information, so it could be seen at one pass, made everyone - patient, doctor, pharmacist - more aware of side effects and interactions and therefore reduced risk for the patient.

If you are in the midst of treating an illness or chronic condition, you have to provide medication information over and over. Think about the lists and lists of medications for conditions such as high blood pressure, diabetes, cancer, depression, chronic pain - it can be never ending, and many times these conditions are combined. Forgetting something or stating something incorrectly can have significant consequences and negative impacts. The answer is My Medication Journal-what your doctor needs from you!

If you are prepared to give accurate, concise or extended information on demand, regardless of how stressed you might be at the moment, you are in a much better position to enjoy better results. Better results means you will avoid some hospital visits that you didn't need, and reduce your costs which can help just about everyone these days. Getting better results is exactly what My Medication Journal can do for you because the most important health record is the one you keep yourself! And now download My Medication Journal App on Google Play and Apple ITunes!

My Medication Journal also has MTM services to provide analysis and a comprehensive review of your medications which can lower your costs and the number of unnecessary hospital admissions that come from lack of medication understanding or adherence. Their counselors are experts who are dedicated to helping you understand the important points of your medications and how they fit together. This helps to strengthen positive outcomes for patients, and they fit in with the current healthcare industry standards as a whole.

When you combine My Medication Journal with its easy 3-step method of writing in your medications, using the My Medication Journal App plus MTM services counseling, you are well on your way to being more organized, healthier, and happier when you need these things the most. My Medication Journal helps people keep track of the medications they are taking to ensure that they are taking the right medications at the right times. My Medication Journal App available on Google Play and Apple ITunes for immediate download!