1Z0-408: About the Oracle Fusion Financials 2014 Essentials

Author: Usaimah Manaal

The 1Z0-408 Exam duration is one twenty minutes for the 1Z0-408: Oracle Fusion Financials: General Ledger 2014 Essentials exam after clearing which the exam takers get the title of Oracle Fusion Financials: General Ledger 2014 Certified Implementation Specialist, after solving right the hundred twenty to fifty questions, passing level in this exam is sixty five percent.

1Z0-408 Tests: Oracle Fusion Financials: General Ledger 2014 Essentials certification exam main given topics are as under:

The first topic is called General Setup that consists of the description of Functional Setup Manager, the configuration packages, an implementation project, how to use reports to validate setup data, Users and Roles.

1Z0-408 Study Kits Enterprise Structures is the next topic that covers how to configure the Chart of Accounts, Explain Essbase and Set up accounting hierarchies, set up the accounting calendar, Upload Set up Data and Configure Chart of Accounts Security.

1Z0-408 Training Tips Journal Processing includes the knowledge of Process journal entries, Configure automated journal processing, Explain the journal approval set up, Configure allocations and periodic entries and to Explain Average Daily Balance Processing.

Subledger Accounting includes the task to describe the Fusion Accounting Hub, Deploy integration with source systems, Create and manage Accounting Rules and process subledger accounting entries.

Intercompany processing involves the learning of how to Design the Chart of Accounts and segment level rules for intercompany, Set up Intercompany Accounting (system options, transaction types, and organizations), Describe intercompany balancing, Process intercompany transactions and periods and Process intercompany reconciliations.

Reporting & Dashboards is another important topic in the 1Z0-408 Exam Questions which includes the knowledge of how to design and use various reporting tools, Set up the Financials Reporting Studio, Explain OTBI and GL Subject Areas, Describe Smart View accounting inquiry and analysis, Describe the General Accounting Dashboard and Work Areas and Analyze budgets versus actual.

Period Close includes the analytical information on the Close Process, Configure and process revaluations, Configure and process translations, Configure and deploy multiple currencies, Configure and process consolidations and to Analyze reconciliations.

1Z0-408 Preparation Kits: Oracle Fusion Financials: General Ledger 2014 Essentials exam can be passed by the help of significant training that are, Oracle Fusion Financials: General Ledger 2014 CIS guided learning path, Oracle Fusion Financials: General Ledger 2014 Certified Implementation Specialist Exam Study Guide, Specialization Guide (PDF) for all launched and planned Specializations and the Product Mapping to Specialization (XLS).

1Z0-408 Brain Dumps: Oracle Fusion Financials: General Ledger 2014 Essentials certification exam will give great amazing benefits to it professionals, it will ensure positive growth in them and they will be able to assess the noticeable challenges with great esteem ad confidence which will be derived from the exam that offers certification of Oracle, not many professionals can pass the 1Z0-408 Practice Tests without having complete information and overcoming the challenges that are part of their learning knowledge and skills which they learning during the undergoing process that is really very essential. The exam takers should have complete training and research work which includes the advancement of the progressive work. The ideal situation for the professionals should that they have knowledge about the exam topics.

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