Why Flossing Is Beneficial

Author: Nathan Gerrard
Daily nutrition can be a challenge if we do not have a good set of teeth to rely on when chewing our food. They are the frontlines of a good working digestive system, making sure food if broken down into tiny bits before being ingested into the body. However, most humans often take their teeth for granted.

It is, therefore, not surprising to know that a recent survey by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention shows half the adult population of the United States (aged 30 and over) is suffering from periodontal diseases. Periodontal diseases increase the risk of teeth loss and halitosis (bad breath) as well as increase the risks of heart attack and chronic inflammatory diseases.

We rely on our teeth when eating. Others even rely on theirs for opening just about anything, from soda bottles to a bag of potato chips. But like all things that are strong and seem formidable, teeth can succumb to the tiniest morsel stuck between them.

Do not wait for things to get worse before planning a trip to a dentist Toledo Oh. Regular check up is advisable even when you do not suffer from any tooth ache or diseases. A dental visit should be more about prevention rather than seeing it as one-time solution to all your dental problems.

Good oral hygiene is also important and daily brushing of the teeth (after each meal) should be part of it. But brushing is not enough. Flossing should follow. this step helps remove the debris from food which gets stuck between our teeth that normal brushing cannot reach. The debris that builds up is known as plaque. Plaque that accumulates eventually turns to tartar, which causes tooth decay and even loss.

Flossing can prevent the formation of plaque and stop the decay. It is also a very quick process which requires a couple of minutes to do. There are many varieties of flosses available in the market such as nylon and PTFE. Whichever one you choose can give you the same beneficial results as both of them are equally effective. Which one you want to use is a matter of personal preference.

Once you have established flossing as a daily habit, you do not need to worry anymore. You will automatically reach for the floss right after every meal, or whenever you want.

Is flossing a part of your oral hygiene? Share your experiences with us in the comments below.