How a Vein Expert in OmahaCan Provide the Best Treatment for Active People with Varicose Veins

Author: Mark Smith

Varicose veins occur when the blood that pumps through the veins does not empty into the heart, causing it to back up in the legs. Many of the people who seek care from a vein care specialist in Omaha are active and may even be athletes. Although vein disease is seen most often in women, men can also develop varicose veins that cause pain, inflammation, redness of the skin, and fatigue. After training, working out, or performing, athletes with the condition may experience aching or throbbing in their legs.

There are a number of options for treatment, depending on the stage of the disease and the degree to which the individual needs help dealing with their symptoms. Conservative varicose vein treatment in Omaha is normally used before resorting to more invasive treatments. These include elevation and movement, lifestyle changes, and the use of compression socks. The latter treatment is especially beneficial for active people as they reduce the pressure and excess fluids caused by varicose veins.

More aggressive treatment from a varicose vein doctor in Omaha

When venous disease is more advanced, conservative methods are not enough to provide relief from symptoms or to prevent the condition from growing worse. A vein expert in Omaha can perform outpatient surgery that will remove bulging, bluish varicose veins and provide relief from painful symptoms and an unattractive appearance.

Sclerotherapy and venous ablation are surgical procedures used byvein care specialists in Omaha as an outpatient procedure that is fast and painless. They require only needle sticks to perform, resulting in a much shorter recovery period than was required with more radical procedures in the past. During venous ablation, laser heat energy or radiofrequency is used to seal off the diseased veins. The treated vein will wither away and the body will compensate by re-routing the flow of blood to healthy veins.

Sclerotherapy is a procedure during which the Omaha varicose vein doctor will inject a chemical solution into the veins, resulting in a similar reaction to ablation therapy. This procedure is typically used in conditions with spider veins or minor varicose veins while venous ablation is used to treat medium to large varicose veins. Dr. Thomas B. Whittle and the entire staff at Heartland Vein and Vascular Institute are uniquely trained and experienced to provide active patients with the effective treatment they need to continue with an active lifestyle. Dr. Whittle has proven time and again that he is one of the best varicose vein doctors in Omaha.

Treatment by a vein care specialist in Omahawill help keep you active

For anyone who leads an active lifestyle, maintaining your good health and good looks is probably important to you. The pain and swelling from varicose and spider veins can interfere with the things you want to do every day. Dr. Thomas B. Whittle is a trained and experienced vein doctor who can provide you with the least invasive treatment required to eliminate the diseased veins and relieve your symptoms.

If spider or varicose veins are interfering with the activities you enjoy participating in, don’t hesitate to schedule a consultation with the varicose vein doctor in Omaha that offers the treatment options needed to address your needs as an individual. Call us at 732-403-3910 and start enjoying life to the fullest again.