How Often Should You Wax Your Car

Author: Max Peter

A lot of car owners have this question that when should they wax their car? Automotive experts believe that the need for waxing depends on the condition of your car. At times some people unnecessarily wax their cars just because they want to make it shine. This is something that you should avoid if you want to maintain the exterior of your car. A general way of determining whether your car needs a wax is through a bead test. You can just splash water on your car's body and if the water beads are less than 1/12 in diameter then you don't need to wax otherwise you do. Lets look at the elements of car polish and waxing in more detail.

How Often Should You Wax

Car wax is something that you should do regularly but also make sure that you don't overdo it. It is recommended that you wax your car every three months for a perfect shiny look. But if your car is exposed to harsh conditions such as extreme cold or heat then you need to wax more regularly. If you live in a place where rainfall or snow is really high you should use car polish more often and clean the exterior thoroughly.

Choosing a Car Wax

There are different types of Car Wax available in the market, you need to choose one that best suits your needs. Not all waxes are equal some are of higher quality and cost more than others. If you truly care about your car you will spare no expense on its maintenance. Basically choosing a car wax is a process of trial and error so take your time to find the one that you like the most.

How To Wax Your Car

If you know the proper way of waxing your car you will be able to it right every time. Car Polish is something that you apply later, first you need to wash the car and prepare for waxing. If there is dirt on the car's body you need to clean it properly with a brush. You can use a clean dry cloth to apply the wax but make sure that you don't stand under direct sunlight as the sun can dry the wax and make it difficult to remove.


Car waxing is a simple task that shouldn't take too much of your time. These were some of the best car wax tips from the experts. If you follow them you should be able to easily wax your car every time.

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