C4040-251: POWER8 Scale-out Technical IBM Exam

Author: Usaimah Manaal

C4040-251 Study Guides: Power Systems with POWER8 Scale-out Technical Sales Skills V1 certification exam helps you immensely to learn specifically about the power systems which has been designed to help the various organizations, the applicants for this exam have to focus on the forty three questions which they have to solve in a given time of sixty minutes, applicants should be able to get fifty eight percent in the exam.

C4040-251 PDF Guides: Power Systems with POWER8 Scale-out Technical Sales Skills V1 exam takers have to Know the POWER7 product line, including Pure Systems compute nodes based on POWER, POWER5 and POWER6 product as they apply to upgrade and for migrating or transferring operating system licenses Group products/licensing, gathering customer requirements, some knowledge of capacity planning, solution to support customer requirements, including planning for Hardware VIO Server hosting various OS's.

C4040-251 Sample Questions: Power Systems with POWER8 Scale-out Technical Sales Skills V1 exam course outline is given to the applicants as follows:

The first is Power Systems Architecture and Product Family that covers forty seven percent in the exam in which the applicants have to learn about Power Systems through Power 740 models using POWER7 and POWER7+ technology, Power Systems product family with emphasis on Power 750 through Power 795 models using POWER7 and POWER7+ technology, operating system (or mix of operating systems), describe which C4040-251 Practice Tests Power Systems PowerVM, PowerSC, and POWER7+ Energy Scale, Active Memory Expansion (AME), Active Memory Sharing (AMS)), identifying the configuration requirements of each on the systems WebSphere, Lotus and DB2, Cognos/SPSS.

The second section is called C4040-251 Preparation Guides Virtualization that covers twenty one percent in the exam in which the applicants learn to configure physical I/O or virtual I/O or a combination of both, hardware connectivity (Fibre Channel or SAS) options and types of virtualization, the value of shared storage pools Identify the configuration requirements for Live Partition Mobility, describe Power Systems' ability to share resources including processors, I/O and memory, the business value of Virtualization from a technical perspective, Differentiate capabilities of PowerVM editions, competitive advantages of PowerVM and other vendors' virtualization solutions emphasizing the advantages of PowerVM when running on either AIX or IBM.

The third section is called C4040-251 Latest Certification Tests designing single and dual VIO Servers, Consider requisites, co requisites and limitations which may impact future use, such as 4Gb vs. 8Gb, design HA or DR environment at Edition and capabilities, the correct tools and information resources such as eConfig, System Planning Tool (SPT), Workload Estimator (WLE), Performance Reports Sizing guides, Energy Estimator, to manage redundancy, type and quantity necessary, operating system and software licensing considerations. Include considerations for micro partitioning and sub-capacity licensing. C4040-251 E-Books: Power Systems with POWER8 Scale-out Technical Sales Skills V1 is given for the individuals that are a part of the selling of the power scale systems.

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