Certifying For 1Z0-822 Oracle Solaris 11

Author: Alex Rose

1Z0-822: Oracle Solaris 11 Advanced System Administration exam knowledge is very significant for the people that perform the tasks of implementation and configuration in the enterprise, the exam includes about hundred questions have to be solved to get seventy percent at least in a limited given time of one hundred and fifty minutes, the exam policy should be reviewed by the ones that take this exam to have no problem later on.

1Z0-822: Oracle Solaris 11 Advanced System Administration exam has been prepared to give positive results for those that need the learning for the Oracle Solaris that is designed for the audience particularly the system administrators and for those are interested in the technology of Solaris 11 and getting its certification.

Here we will look at what the certification descriptive includes the following:

Installing Oracle Solaris 11 OS on Multiple Hosts is the first topic in which included are Oracle Solaris 11 operating system using the Automated Installer and Oracle Solaris image using the distribution constructor.

Manage the Image Packaging System (IPS) and Packages is the second topic which includes Manage network client access to a local IPS server, Manage signed packages, package publishers and multiple boot environments.

The 1Z0-822: Oracle Solaris 11 Advanced System Administration topic of Manage Business Application Data consists of Plan for data backup and restore and Manage ZFS properties.

Configuring Network and Traffic Failover consists of Plan for network and traffic failover configuration, Configure systems on a local network, Network Auto-Magic, Network File System, link aggregation, Implement link failure detection and Monitor an IPMP group.

Configuring Zones and the Virtual Network covers the 1Z0-822: Oracle Solaris 11 Advanced System Administration topic of how to create a Solaris zone and manage virtual network resources.

Manage Services and Service Properties comprises of the topics of the components of the Service Management Facility, Configure SMF services and Troubleshoot SMF services.

In the topic of Configuring Privileges and Role Based Access Control, the applicants consist of use of privileges and role-based access control (RBAC) in Oracle Solaris 11, Configure and manage privileges and Configure and use RBAC.

Management and Monitoring consist of the ability to explain the objectives such as Management and Visibility Gap, Common Management and Monitoring Standards, Key Management and Monitoring Capabilities, Conceptual View model for Management and Monitoring and the capabilities required for a Management and Monitoring infrastructure, Logic View components of the Management.

Securing System Resources Using Solaris Auditing is the next important topic which covers to secure system resources using Solaris Auditing and Configure Solaris Auditing. Manage Processes and Priorities covers the process of how to manage process scheduling priority, Manage the scheduling class of a zone, Monitor the Fair Share Scheduler and Configure the Fair Share Scheduler.

Evaluating the System Resources covers plan to evaluate resource allocation and system performance, Configure system resources and Monitor System Performance. The last topic is called Monitoring and Troubleshooting Software Failures which covers the configuring of system messaging, system crash facilities and dump facilities for business application 1Z0-822: Oracle Solaris 11 Advanced System Administration failure.

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