Solid Tips For Surviving Sleep Apnea And Its Effects

Author: Jasper Avila

If you or someone in your family just found out from the doctor that sleep apnea has been diagnosed, you may be thinking about what alternatives you have. How will you know how to tailor this advice to fit each situation? Learning the right information means continuing to thoroughly read this article.

Give up some of your vices to combat the symptoms of sleep apnea. Alcohol and cigarettes are two of the primary culprits. The muscle-relaxing effects of alcohol are very hard on the whole respiratory system and lead to significant breathing problems. Smoking damages all parts of your airways. Losing these terrible habits will help a great deal when it comes to alleviating your sleep apnea symptoms.

Are you using a CPAP for your sleep apnea? If so, then you should try to utilize it a minimum of four hours per night. It can be hard, at first, to get comfortable using it. For this CPAP therapy to work successfully, you will need four hours each day to use it. If you struggle to adjust to it in the beginning, try using the CPAP for about four hours while you sleep.

Eating in a healthy way will help you drop weight and fight apnea. Normally people are quite surprised to learn that unhealthy eating is a major source of their sleep apnea. Someone who is overweight but still eats a healthy diet will have fewer symptoms of apnea than someone who eats an unhealthy diet but weighs less.

Children are susceptible to sleep apnea. If you child seems to be distracted in class, cannot focus, and is breathing through his mouth, then he may have sleep apnea. Often these symptoms are similar to ADHD, but you need to talk to a physician and consider sleep apnea as a cause as well.

Try to keep a sleep schedule if sleep apnea is an issue in your life. Random sleep times affects your sleep as it is and this is compounded when you have sleep apnea. This is why it is important to maintain a consistent sleep pattern, which will eliminate sleepiness in the day. You should go to bed at the same hour every single day.

Reduce sleep apnea by shedding excess weight. It's possible to get rid of this condition just by losing weight. Even a nominal amount of weight loss will go a long way in improving your breathing at night.

If a person has sleep apnea and is overweight, they can often reduce their symptoms by losing some weight. Sleep apnea is linked to people who are overweight. Weight loss makes a big difference in the amount of pressure put on your airways and can improve your breathing.

Your sleep position can impact the severity of sleep apnea. This is why proper positioning is so critical. Lift your body up by using a foam wedge at the top of the bed. Another option is raising your bed's top a minimum of four inches.

If you have a long flight scheduled, tell the airline that you will require your CPAP machine. Most carriers will make sure they seat you with plenty of room to accommodate your machine. If you happen to be flying overseas on a foreign airline, make sure you have the right power adapter.

When dealing with sleep apnea you never want to drink alcohol right before going to sleep. Alcohol causes your palate and tongue relax toward the back of the throat, which obstructs the airway. You do not have to stop drinking, just do not do it before you go to sleep.

Knowledge is power. Knowing what your options are can help you make the right choices for your condition. With so much information on sleep apnea available, it is a blessing to find it all in one spot, this article.