Definition, Favorable Conditions and Symptoms of Mold

Author: Zona Restoration

Since our childhood, we all have been taught to keep our surroundings neat and clean. This not only makes our living or workspaces beautiful, but also helps us to live healthy. No doubt, we all know this fact, but sometimes we do not even look after the cleanliness of our surroundings. Thereby, we have to suffer from various health issues.

Amongst the all mold and mildew are the ones that cause much harm. By its definition, mold is a part of fungus (organism), which is neither an animal nor a plant. Growing in the humid environment only, mold decomposes organic matter such as dead animals, plants etc.

Below are some the favorable conditions where mold can grow:

  • A place with no sunlight can give mold an opportunity to grow.
  • Mold can also grow in the area, which has moisture.
  • Unattended substances like clothes, wooden furniture etc. can be a home for mold.
  • Since mold does not grow in freezing temperature, thus it requires some warmth place to growth.

Please note that mold starts growing within 24- 48 hours if necessary steps are not taken on time. So, you are looking for various services of mold removal Mesa AZ then approach the best restoration company only.

After discussing the conditions for mold growth, now let’s talk about some symptoms that indicate to the presence of mold in your living space.

  • Skin irritation: If you are facing any type of skin problem like rashes, itchiness or irritation, it might be because of mold. Skin irritation may also include itchy nose and itchy eyes.
  • Cold or Cough: Cold or cough may be a common issue for many, however if you are often suffer from this issue, and then be careful as there can be mold in your home.
  • Sinus headache or congestion: Well, this might shock you, but it is true that mold may cause sinus problem.
  • Watery eyes: If you often face watery eyes problem, then it may be due to the mold problem. Usually many people ignore this problem, however they should instead look for the right solution.
  • Baldness or Hair loss: Presence of mold in your surroundings or area may also cause hair loss. So, do not take this lightly and remove mold rather than your hair.
  • Red or Bloodshot Eyes: Presence of mold in your home may also cause bloodshot in your eyes which may also lead to serious problem.
  • Wheezing: Mold releases bad substances which then get mixed into the air that may cause respiratory problem such as Wheezing.

The above mentioned are just some of the symptoms of mold as there could be many. So, it is better to cross check your surroundings to make sure about no presence of mold.