Risks involved in Arizona laser cataract surgery

Author: Arizona Lasik

The risk involved in Arizona laser cataract surgery is very less and there is almost no chance of any kind of serious complications. Most of the complications are treatable and does not much of an impact on your vision.

However, the risk is higher in people who have other eye problems like high myopia, diabetic retinopathy or uvetis. Risk is also high in people who are not able to lie flat with ease or who have breathing troubles or even for people who have prostate problems and are taking tablets for the same.

Make sure of asking your cataract doctor in Arizona about the possible risks involved before you opt for the surgery.

Cloudy Vision

Posterior Capsule Opacification or PCO is one common problem that might occur many days after the completion of the cataract surgery. A part of the lens capsule thickens and this makes the vision cloudy. Many people might take this to be cataract again but it is no so. It is just a membrane growing over the newly placed artificial lens.

Less than 10% of the people who have undergone cataract surgery might face this problem and this should happen within a span of 2 years.

If PCO occurs, cataract doctors in Arizona would recommend you to go for another laser surgery as that is the only way to correct it. The cloudy part is removed and enough place is left on the capsule to hold on the artificial lens.

It is a very simple procedure and it takes not more than 15 minutes to complete it. Your vision is improved immediately in most of the cases but sometimes it might take a few days. No stitches or surgical incisions are required and in most of the cases, the patient is able to return to his normal activities immediately.

Some of the other complications

Some of the other complications of cataract surgery that might take place after the surgery are:

After the surgery

  • Swelling and inflammation in the eye that can lead to redness and this is something your cataract doctor in Phoenix would tell you about as this is very common.
  • Inflammation of the retina also known as cystoid macular oedema and this occurs as fluids build up along the layers of the retina which is present at the back of the eye and this sometimes affect the vision as well
  • Swelling and inflammation of the cornea or building up of fluids in the cornea etc.

If you feel anything uncomfortable make sure to visit your Arizona laser cataract doctor immediately.

The risk involved in Arizona laser cataract surgery is very less and there is almost no chance of any kind of serious complications. If you want to get this services so please click here.