Abortion Risks And Threats To Keep In Mind

Author: Dr Scott Pendergraft

Aborting a child has its own complications and threats involved are severe. Whatever may the advertisements and promotions state, there is no clinical procedure which is risk free. There are potential risks from abortion and women should be aware of them.

Usually abortion do not affects the future pregnancy chances or the normal pregnancy after. However when the abortion is done during the first 12 weeks of pregnancy there risks and threats are really high.

At the time of abortion

Threats are low during an abortion in early stages as the body changes are not much however abortion process is very risky if carried out in the later months of pregnancy. There are a number of risks associated with abortions:

  • Hemorrhage due to excessive bleeding- According to many researches 1 in every 1,000 abortions cases ends with hemorrhage
  • Cervix Damage-Out of every 1,000 abortions, around 10 cases suffer from it
  • Damage to the womb – Out of 1,000 abortions, 4 and above women suffer from damage to the womb

There are the most common threats but there are several other risks factors as well. Abortions which end up with any kind of uterine or cervical damage can result into premature delivery, abnormal development of the placenta in later pregnancies as well as labor complications. All these risks are found to be leading reasons for newborn handicaps.

After an abortion

When the hygiene is not taken care of properly, risk of infection of womb after an abortion is very high. Mostly incomplete removal of foetus and the associated tissue is the cause.

Women should use sanitary pads till bleeding stops to reduce the risk of infections. Avoiding the use of tampons till the next period is also advised. Also make sure to avoid sex until bleeding stops. Infection can cause heavy bleeding of vagina and period-like pain. Usually antibiotics can treat the infections.

Make sure you consult your doctor if you have signs of infection. If left untreated infection can become severe leading to PID or pelvic inflammatory disease that can result into infertility and ectopic pregnancy.

Having repeated abortions can lead to severe damage to the cervix increasing risks of late miscarriages.

After an abortion it is common to have periods like pain and vaginal bleeding. However the condition gradually improves in a few days. Still if you have following symptoms then seek medical attention:

  • Severe pain after abortion
  • Very heavy bleeding
  • If bleeding does not cease even after 2 weeks

All these signs show complication and you are advised to consult your doctor. Post-abortion counseling can also help you to deal with the emotional turmoil of abortion. Findings show that there is no long term or redundant psychological problems associated with abortion.

Counseling helps you to better get ready for abortion but the risks are still involved. Make sure you are well aware of all the mentioned consequences. Well informed decision is what required if you are considering an abortion.