Healthy diet for pregnant women

Author: Dr Scott Pendergraft

Mums-to-be should fairly keep in mind that a healthy diet is necessary for a healthy baby. What you eat affects the health of your baby and this brings in responsibility to have a healthy and nourishing diet plan. A vitamin and mineral rich diet which is high on iron and folic acid is advised. But at the same time pregnant women need to keep the calorie intake low as it helps with maintaining their body weight. Here we are going to help you with planning a proper diet plan.

Grouping Food

You need to include food items from all groups be it dairy, vegetables or cereals. What all items should be included in your diet are listed here.

  • In dairy and milk products-skimmed milk, curd, buttermilk, cheese and yogurt are advised. All these foods are rich in proteins, Vitamin B12 and calcium. The only precaution you have to take is to make sure you are not lactose intolerant.
  • Cereals and whole grains are very rich sources of proteins. Even if you do not eat meat then pulses and nuts can help you to keep the levels of proteins boosted. Vegetarian women can make nuts and legumes as the prime source of proteins.
  • Vegetables and fruits are obvious inclusions in every healthy diet. Include vegetables with high fiber and mineral content like green leafy veggies and citrus fruits.
  • Fish, poultry and meat are concentrated proteins which are a must.
  • Fluids-apart from water to keep yourself hydrated there is a number of other fluids you should intake. Fruit juices are the first in the list but take care to avoid packaged juices as they are high on sugar. Go for fresh fruit juices. Also drink only filtered and boiled water. Water borne diseases can greatly harm the feteous.
  • Fats and oils-only vegetable oils which are unsaturated fats should be used. Avoid saturated fats like coconut milk, butter and oil as they are unhealthy.

Also make sure your taking enough of iodine which is important for the development of baby in your food.

Definitely a no!

Some foods are strictly a no during pregnancy. You should steer clear of these, whatever may be the circumstances. Foods you should definitely avoid during pregnancy include:

  • Unpasteurized milk
  • Cheeses like brie, camembert and blue-veined cheese
  • Uncooked or raw poultry, eggs and meat
  • Fishes as such swordfish and shark which have high mercury levels
  • Canned or processed fish
  • Alcoholic drinks
  • Too much caffeine

Often pregnant women as whether they need to eat more. It’s a common recommendation from people that would be mother should eat for two but there is no scientific reason behind it. Pregnant women don’t need extra calories during first six months of their pregnancy.

In fact your body becomes more efficient at utilizing calories. Most doctors advice to take around 300 calories extra per day during second and third trimesters of pregnancy. This is all you need to know about healthy diet during pregnancy in case of any confusion consult your doctor.

Dr. James S. Pendergraft opened the Orlando Women's Center in March 1996 to provide a full range of health care for women.