A Complete Roundup For C2180-401 IBM Certification Exam
The C2180-401 IBM Web Sphere Application Server Network Deployment V8.5.5 and Liberty Profile, System Administration Certification is IBM system administrator certification exam that checks your level for the minimum or maximum standard of your system administrator skills. These skills should allow you to perform the daily tasks required for the smooth and sound running of a Web Sphere Application Server Network Deployment and Liberty Profile Environment.
The C2180-401 IBM Web Sphere Application Server Network Deployment V8.5.5 and Liberty Profile, System Administration standardized test checks your ability to perform tasks such as installation, configuration, running the operating system and networking in the above mentioned environment.
C2180-401 IBM Web Sphere Application Server Network Deployment V8.5.5 and Liberty Profile, System Administration Needless to say, the more hands-on experience you have had with this environment, the greater chance you have at getting a more than adequate score in the certification exam. And by doing so will increase your chances at getting more worthy position for you as a system administrator based on how well you do on the exam.
Target Audience
The C2180-401 IBM Web Sphere Application Server Network Deployment V8.5.5 and Liberty Profile, System Administration Exam is of an intermediate level that is targeted at people that are system administrators, system integrators, infrastructure architects, application architects and solution architects. Basically those who operate, a Web Sphere Application Server Network Deployment and Liberty Profile environment on a day-to-day basis, along with all the installation, configuration and necessary functions that go along with it. The study material associated with the certification is thus designed while keeping this audience in mind.
Exam Details
The candidate sitting for the C2180-401 IBM Web Sphere Application Server Network Deployment V8.5.5 and Liberty Profile, System Administration Exam will be provided with a total of sixty five exam questions and the time allotted is one hundred and twenty minutes. The minimum passing percentage is fifty eight percent and exam can be given in two languages, English and Japanese. The candidate will be presented with single and multiple choice exam questions.
Exam Pre-requisites
C2180-401 IBM Web Sphere Application Server Network Deployment V8.5.5 and Liberty Profile, System Administration Candidates are recommended to be familiar with certain prerequisites such as basic Java Enterprise Edition 6 knowledge, (basic) web application architecture and deployment knowledge and a sound utilization of the command line interface and Python/ Jack. The candidate must also have a good understanding of operating systems and how to network along with good problem determination skills. He or she should be able to network and work with operating system security concepts in an effective manner.
Before taking the test, candidates are recommended to compare their own technical skills with the topics that the candidate will be questioned on. On the basis of his already required skills and hands-on experience with the system the candidate can choose the direction of preparation he will take for the exam.
Preparing for the exam
The C2180-401 IBM Web Sphere Application Server Network Deployment V8.5.5 and Liberty Profile, System Administration candidate can either take the classroom approach or just do a normal self-study. Though the classroom approach to studying is recommended and it will only take five days for the candidate to finish the course. However, you can also make use of sample questions and practice tests to prepare for the exam. Furthermore, these sample questions and practice tests can provide you with an actual image of the exam. A good approach can be in terms of acquiring a training kit which provides all the above material at one place.
Aims and Objectives
There C2180-401 IBM Web Sphere Application Server Network Deployment V8.5.5 and Liberty Profile, System Administration are a total of nine sections of the IBM Web Sphere Application Server Network Deployment V8.5.5 and Liberty Profile, System Administration exam, the first two that are architecture and product installation, configuration and maintenance.
C2180-401 IBM Web Sphere Application Server Network Deployment V8.5.5 and Liberty Profile, System Administration After that we have application management (assembly, deployment and configuration), administrative tools, security configuration and maintenance, clustering and workload management, intelligent management and resiliency, performance monitoring and tuning and finally problem determination. Each section of the C2180-401 certification has approximately an eleven percent weight age in the entire exam.Specialists at DirectCertify Prepare appropriate Study Kits for IBM-System-Administrator-Certification Certification and C2180-318 Test.