Different types of mobility scooters

Author: Todd Dawson

Mobility scooters are an alternate form of assistive device used by people with disabilities instead of a wheelchair. However, using mobility scooters can require a certain degree of mobility and there are various models based on specific needs.

Two-wheeled mobility scooters

The two-wheeled scooters are generally known as mopeds and are only suitable for people with minor disabilities. These are an environmental-friendly form of transportation that emits neither noise nor pollution. It is less a scooter and more a powered bicycle which is why no license is required to drive it on the road. They do not require to be registered and therefore, you don’t need a number plate for it either. These scooters are allowed on bicycle paths too.

There are two basic types in the market. Mobility scooters with seats are useful for disabled persons. They come with accessories such as small luggage carriers as well. A battery in one of these mopeds lasts for about 25 miles travelling at a speed of 20 miles per hour. These scooters come equipped with foot pedals also, in case the battery charge runs out and you have no spare.

Three-wheeled mobility scooters

Medical scooters for disabled persons are evolving as per their needs. Scooters with three wheels are ideal for indoor use for people with limited mobility. They are adequate for use on pavements and in stores as well. The three-wheeled scooters can turn inside a very low radius which make it ideal for smaller spaces.

The mobility scooters manufactured now are no longer bulky and cumbersome. They are being built with light metals like aluminum that make the assistive devices more portable. There are various models of three-wheeled scooters for disabled persons, mainly, the folding and the skateboard types.

These scooters can be easily fit in the trunk of a car or van because of its portable shape and structure. They can be dismantled for storage and travelling purposes and come with adequate lights and in-built signals.

Four-wheeled units

Of all the types of scooters, four-wheeled mobility scooters for disabled persons offer maximum stability. There are two front wheels and two back ones, reducing the chance of losing balance and falling over. However, even though these scooters are very stable and can endure rough terrain, they cannot be maneuvered as easily as the two or three-wheeled scooters.

The four-wheeled scooters are manufactured for outdoor purposes and are meant as a replacement to cars. Their durability makes them suitable for going to work, shopping, going out with other people, etc.

Even though these scooters do not have a low turning radius, they are designed to have enough maneuverability for indoor usage. The two front wheels are placed as close together as possible for maximum efficacy. Unlike other kinds of models, four-wheeled scooters have suspension both in the front and back so that it can withstand rough terrain and faster speeds.

Scooters for disabled persons such as these are designed for maximum accessibility in all kinds of environment.

If you are interested in latest models of Pride mobility scooters for rent or buying come to Better Life Mobility saloons or shop on line at scooter section.