Chiller manufacturers cater to the needs of industrial use
The advancement of science and technology has resulted in the development of a huge variety of technological systems. The list of such technological devices includes compressors, variant speed drivers, heat transfer devices etc. All such devices have undergone thorough changes over the ages according to the market demands. Very likely, chiller manufacturers too are making advancements and modifications in the chiller devices to make a stable place in the manufacturing industry. To start off with the modifications that have been made to the chillers over the ages, making energy efficient devices tops the list. This has emerged due to the need for devices that are energy effective but can be fitted within the building complex itself. Today, it can be seen that most of the chillers are constructed in a modular form.
Another factor for designing the devices in an energy efficient manner is due to the change in the mindset of the purchasers. Today, the building owners focus primarily on the lifetime cost to be borne for the device, rather than the initial cost of purchasing the device. This has led to further developments in monitoring, part load, maintenance and flexibility of these devices. Talking of maintenance, today the devices are designed in an eco-friendly manner to ensure no loss of refrigerants. Loss of refrigerants leads to the increase in the level of CFCs that leads to an adverse affect on the environment. Monitoring has been made easier by a wide use of microprocessors in the systems. This has made monitoring over the equipments from far and near locations by technicians or operators much more easy and convenient.
Keeping the betterment of monitoring these devices in mind, the chiller manufacturers have enabled unit mounted controllers that work on the basis of microprocessors. This has erased the manual operation of counting data points on the chillers. There are various types of chillers available in the market based on the component used for operation. Electric chillers have remained an all time choice in this regard. However, building owners and managers are taking gas and steam operated ones with equal fancy. Sometimes, equipments using multiple components for operation are also preferred to see whether the choice remains profitable over the investment made or not!
Hybrid chillers which use a combination of different fuels for operation give the building owners the liberty to circulate chilled water at a cost effective manner. The scientific advancement and modifications have resulted in coming up with equipments more and better facilitated. Manufacturers tend to keep in mind the needs and demands of the consumers and make the manufacturing accordingly. This ensures that their brand products sell well in the market and fetch them a permanent place in the manufacturing industry.