Rhinoplasty: Get a Boost in Your Self-Esteem!

Author: Alan Shifrin

Rhinoplasty, also termed as nose job involves the reconstruction of the nose in some way, whether it be enhancing a certain feature or reducing it. When reconstructing, incisions are mostly made inside with some occasional cuts made along the septum. Reshaping is done by the addition or removal of bone and cartilage.

Once it has been shaped to the surgeon likes, the skin will be reformed over the bone and cartilage and then it will be sewn up. To keep everything in place, a splint will be used to support the newly-formed structure. This may also correct any impaired breathing caused by structural problems inside it.

The original shape of your nose directly relates to your genetic makeup, but what if you've been in an accident and it's been broken? Surgery can help to bring your natural nose back and help you feel more confident. Nose jobs may also correct impaired breathing caused by structural defects in them.

What It Can Change?

If you are considering Rhinoplasty in Chicago, it can change many things including size, width and profile shape, the tip of the nose, nostril size, and any asymmetrical features or deviation from a normal shape. Regarding the width, the surgeon will mostly focus on the bridge area, while he or she would work to smooth out any unwanted bumps or concave areas of your profile. The nasal tip can have many things altered, such as a droop, an upturn, or a large/bulbous tip.

Are You a Right Candidate?

Rhinoplasty surgery is something you should do for yourself, rather than try to make someone else's dreams come true. Such jobs are only a good option for you if you're at least 13, healthy, a non-smoker, and have set realistic goals for what can be done.

Time for the Consultation

Be prepared to answer many questions posed by your surgeon. He or she needs to be absolutely sure that you are the one that wants this operation, not anyone else. If it is determined that you are being forced to have this done, you may be denied permission from the surgeon. Have a serious talk with the doctor and also put your goals in writing and bring any medical records that have not been previously provided to him or her for the best care.

When you go for your consultation you will spend a great deal of time discussing with your doctor about the procedure. You will need to tell your doctor your complete medical history and any medications you are taking, if you smoke, how often you drink, and what vitamins or herbal supplements you are taking. Since you will be undergoing anesthesia be sure to tell your doctor if you have any allergies. You also will talk about what you are expecting out of your surgery.

Your doctor will examine you to get an idea of your general health. He will take photographs for you file and take measurements of your face. He will also discuss with you what some of your options are. You will get an idea of what shapes will look best on you. He will also discuss with you the most likely outcome of your Rhinoplasty surgery.