3 Tips for home schooling your children
Christian parents have plenty of reasons to home school their children. Curricula at public schools aren’t faith based, and even at private schools parents do not have complete control over what their children are taught. Home schooling is a way to prevent children from learning too much science and evolution, which can lead to questions that may make children doubt their religions. Furthermore, schools often teach sex education, and premarital sex is against God’s word. Parents can keep this from happening by teaching their children themselves using classroom plans and Creationist science textbooks from Berean Builders. Here are some tips for teaching children in a godly environment at home.
Keep Regular Hours
Indeed, home schooling has many advantages, notable among them the ability to make your own schedule. You won’t have to wake up really early in order to get your children ready and bring them to school. However, you should not use this as an excuse to be lazy and keep irregular hours. Children need structure, and they need to know that you have a firm hand when it comes to teach them their lessons. While you don’t have to start class at 7 a.m., you should still start early enough that you can get a full school day of lessons in every day. Of course, you should feel free to end class a little early every once in a while.
Get the Appropriate Teaching Materials
Conventional school books are full of ideas that could be dangerous to a young Christian child. Be sure to shield them from these lies by ordering Creationist science textbooks from trusted Christian publishing companies. Not only should your textbooks avoid topics such as evolution, but they should also teach topics through a biblical lens. For example, the math textbook could use an example of Jesus feeding loaves and fish to the masses in order to teach a lesson about multiplication. When it comes to history, you already have the textbook you really need: It is your Bible.
Be Creative with You Lessons
You don’t want all of your class time to be boring. Home schooling has another advantage in that it allows you freedom and creativity to teach lessons the way you want. You can have your children practice reading and writing by having them read their Bibles and write letters to people from church who might have fallen ill. You could hold a theater class and have your children reenact scenes from the Bible, such as the story of Sodom and Gomorrah or Noah’s Ark. You could also have an art class and allow your children to draw or paint scenes from the Bible. Have them look at famous paintings from Renaissance artists for inspiration. Just be sure to avoid the works of art that display gratuitous nudity. By being creative, you will encourage your children to use the talents God gave them.
God Is on Your Side
Home schooling may seem difficult, but with the right ideas and materials such as Creationist science textbooks, you can feel more confident in the endeavor. By following these tips, you can be a successful home school teacher and raise your children the Christian way.