How can the internet of things turn more companies inbound?

Author: Vaibhav Vats

It’s not year 2050 where we imagine physical objects interacting with each other, that’s because it’s happening right now! There are already computing concepts that are allowing physical objects to interact with each other through the power of Internet. Online Advertising in India has changed the concept of marketing.

Imagine how your life would be if your refrigerator knew what you ate, and then compiled your medical reports to suggest what you should and shouldn’t have. That’s the power of Internet of things.

Now let’s take a step forward and combine this artificial intelligence with marketing. Yes! That’s happening too. We would soon be able to leverage this amazing technology to target our audience or rather the audience themselves reaching out to us. Ladies and gentlemen, this practically might be the end of the outbound marketing efforts era. Let’s have a look how internet of things can turn more companies inbound:

  • The user gets more power: Since the interaction of the users and the physical objects around them would become more engaging it would be easier for the user to connect various dots and work seamlessly.
  • Traditional marketing is a turn off: User behavior has changed and they now no more fall for traditional marketing practices. Internet of things would be able to market products and services to users at the right time and at the right place. Now
online advertising companies in India have truly changed those methods of marketing.

  • Data driven marketing: Inbound marketing relies a lot on data to deliver to the audience what they need. Combining this with IoT it would really push this far by giving the audience what they really need at the moment.
  • Faster conversion rate: With IoT the process of converting strangers into customers and customers into promoters works much faster.
  • Inbound is content driven: Publishing the right content at the right time becomes useful to the user and not interpretive. This increases the chances of the customer coming back for more.

Though there are many more ways in which Internet of things can turn the tables for inbound marketing, but it’s also very important to look at issues that arise with it like that of privacy. Since inbound marketing is a multi-channel marketing, it would involve reaching to users via multiple ways, which may also be invasive at times.

IoT and marketing would generate a lot of data that might just be difficult for the systems to decipher. Though these are nascent stages and a lot still needs to be done, however we cannot leave such important points out.