Guide to Buying the Most Appropriate Persian Rugs

Author: Xander Leo

Persian rugs Melbourne and Persian carpets are the true representatives of Persian art and culture. The genuine Persian carpets and rugs are actually from Iran but then you can find an imitation of the Persian carpets and rugs in various countries like Turkey, China, and Pakistan but then just remember one thing that authentic Persian rugs are comprised in Iran only. The exquisite carpets and rugs are in tremendous demand from all over the globe and there are a large number of rugs weavers in Iran who earn their living by weaving decorative rugs and carpets to meet the domestic and international needs.

Every Persian carpet and rug is the unique result of diverse and great creativity that makes it popular and very expensive. For those who intend to add a touch of luxury to workplace or home can purchase Persian rugs. Before you intend to buy Persian rug you need to be acquainted with the basics of the original Persian rug. You already know by now that original Persian rug is only found in Iran and others are just a mere imitation of the original. Apart from this, Persian rugs are very expensive and you need to decide on the budget before buying them.

How to shop for the Persian rugs Melbourne?

For conveniently shopping for the Persian rugs Melbourne you need to consider some tips. Below you will find some important information:

  • Persian carpets or rugs are handmade or hand weaved. There is hardly any kind of machine work which is involved. Comprised of natural silk, namely, Kurkwool, weavers rarely make use of synthetic materials. The colours you find in the Persian rug are generally extracted from the natural plants and vegetables.
  • Each and every Persian rug is unique. No two rugs will look alike. Individual weavers are responsible for weaving several design and the colour patterns to create outstanding pieces with the use of imaginative and creative skills.
  • Before buying a Persian rug you must always check out the number of knots. Greater the number of knots over the rug better will be its quality. KPSI or the knots per square inch reveals the quality of the Persian carpets and rugs. You can buy 250+ KPSI that is a superior quality and anything below 150kpi is inferior.
  • Look for Persian rugs made by city weavers rather than the tribal weavers. Rugs made by city weavers are always of the highest quality and this includes finest quality silk and wool. Tribal rugs and carpets are never of high quality and are mainly used for utility purposes.
  • While buying the Persian rug, it is important to get the authentication certificate. It will help you in future if you ever intend to sell the Persian rug. Authentication certificate will always get for you good selling price. It is a great investment option perhaps. Selling Persian rug is a kind of gamble and if you do not possess the certificate then a lot of money can be lost.

Above handy tips on purchasing Persian rugs will help you arrive at the best piece. You can visit the official link persianrugsaustralia to collect more information.

About the Author:

The writer is an expert in the field of Designer Carpets with focus on Rugs Melbourne and Designer Rugs Melbourne etc..