Who Can Apply for Elderly Dependent Visa for UK

Author: Jay Tiwari

The family values and culture in India are practiced strongly even today, when the western counterparts have given up the joint family culture long back. However, with our strong cultural values and traditions, one often wishes to be able to take along parents and dependent relatives to foreign countries, when one moves there for a better future and to pursue healthier career choices. Some countries allow inviting parents and dependent relatives to live with permanent visa holders, but in some countries such as the UK, one would need to take initiatives to achieve the Elderly dependent visa UK. Countries such as the UK have strict and stringent rules set in place when it comes to giving out visas for outsiders to settle in their country. People often find it difficult to get a visa for work or study, which means that getting a visa for an elderly dependent or two would mean the visa officers may require a whole set of proofs and documents, establishing that the person immigrating to the UK will be cared for by the person on whom they are dependent and the care of the person would not depend on the public funds.

The government of the country is extremely particular about immigrants who may pose as the prospective responsibility and might have to depend on the money paid by tax payers. It is therefore important to get in touch with immigration experts to understand the requirements of the visa process to be able to ensure a settlement visa for UK. People who have permanent visa holders as direct blood relatives or care takers in the UK, or those who have ancestral roots in the UK may apply for one of the visa categories from elderly dependent visa or UK ancestry visa from India. However, it must be established that the person sponsoring elderly relatives to migrate to the UK is stable enough to be able to independently support the dependents, without having to take help from public funds for at least 5 years from the time of the immigration of the elderly migrators. It must also be proven that the person willing to get the UK visa is someone who needs the help of the supporter and there is no equivalent help available in the country that they currently reside in. When such facts are proven and the immigration authorities are satisfied with all the documented proofs, the person seeking a visa as an elderly dependent, may be able to attain it and move to the UK.

Moving to the UK as an elderly dependent is no small task, the help of an expert ensures that the process is carried out without glitches, which means that when one needs to apply for a settlement visa in UK the best way to know all the dos and don’ts is to find out from those who are experts in the field.

Resource Box: When you need your loved ones to join you in UK and you want to ensure the process to be a smooth one, make sure to approach the immigration experts at Smart Move 2 UK and eliminate the chances of a visa rejection.