HDB Rental Singapore Guidelines:Do's & Don't

Author: Aminia Li

Nowadays, more and more people want to move in Singapore to enjoy this fashionable and modern country. The rental in Singapore has many types such as condominium, HDB, rooms, office buildings. When you decide to live in a Housing Development Board(HDB) flat, it means that you are going to live with mang strangers as neighbours. HDB rental Singapore is a part of the old HDB's initiative in continuing community after Singaporeans were moved from their campongs and turn to live into the HDB flats but moving to a different country is scary and you are confused with all the Do's and Don't.

Keep the public area far from obstruction. The public area includes the elevator landing, corridors, staircase landings and any other area where people traffic is constant. That is a comment sense that if you are moving the bnulky and big objects to your apartment. Don's stack all your objects in the elevator landing where you end up blocking other people from walking or taking the elevators. Don's place your garbage along the corridors as well as a harm as they may be breeding grounds for mosquitoes and other undesirables.

Wet clothes. HDB rental Singapore does not make you possible to hang the wet clothes on bamboo poles or dripping mop outside the house. Ensure your clothes stop dripping before you hang them to dry. If you don't do that you may ruin the clothes of your neighbours living on the floors below you and it is an inconvenience to people walking through the falts when the water is dripping. Moreover, it is a safety hazard as people may slip and fall.

Noise. Keep your noise down because it will have an interruption to your neighbours. The noise is not only come from the house party, TV, radio or even the faulty air-

conditioning. Actually, most neighbours can tolerate some of noise, if it is an occasional party or gathering during the festivals. However, if the noise comes out continuously because it is a very normal thing that you will be complaints.

Pets.Various people want to adopt a pet to stay with them but ensure the pet does not disturb your neighbours.If your pet is a dog, make sure it will not bark too often,especially at night. If your pet needs to be caged, keep the cage indoors and not outside your apartment.

Damage.This is prohibited everywhere in Singapore. Damage includes graffiti, destruction of public facilities and any unauthorized to use of government property. This offence is punished by imprisonment, fines or both.

HDB rental Singapore argues that the people need to obey the rule when live in the HDB apartment. Failing to obey any of these rules can be and most probably will get you into trouble with HDB so it is better to pay more attention to them.