Care Your Car with Best Foam Gun

Author: Xiang Cheng

The idea behind foam gun is to minimize more rubbing and scrubbing of the vehicle before soaking it. So soak it with foam, so that it automatically starts loosening and lubricating the paint immediately. With the use of sponge you can clean your vehicle without using more force to remove dirt.

The gentle touch will lessen the risk percentage of micro-marring because the paint is covered in a foamy layer of lubrication. Used in combination with premium car shampoo.

The foam Gun works by simply attaching to your everyday garden hose, giving you the power to effortlessly clean your car as the thick foam shoots out. The thick foam breaks down tough dirt and grime and drips it off the car.

The thick foam helps breaks down dirt and grime from the roads and drips it off the car. Using traditional washing methods without thick foam could potentially see you scrubbing in harsh dirt, sand and grime into your paint work causing the unpleasant swirl mark scratches.

You may wish to use this as a prewash foam gun technique or as your main car wash which drastically will reduce the time you need to start washing. Furthermore this technique can save you water as the need to tip out dirty, contaminated water from buckets is not necessary with the Foam Gun.

With the adjustable dilution rate, you are given full control over the Snow Foaming rate to suit your desired needs. With different dilution rates you’ll be able to fine-tune your Snow Foaming experience.

The foam gun is well equipped with a detachable foaming nozzle which means you can switch from snow foam to a pressured jet sprayer in seconds. Also, the hose handle is attached to the Snow Foam bottle with a Quick Release attachment, giving you the option to choose easily between Snow Foaming, jet spraying and simple hosing.

You can go online to get foam gun of different types and can compare several guns to get your best for car washing. You can even look which gun will work better by creating a substantial amount of foam by forcing water through the nozzle where it mixes with the diluted car shampoo that is in the gun’s reservoir. The foam is richer, thicker, and sticks to the vehicle longer than soap applied by hand because the dilution ratio of the soap is higher. So check on-line for the best foam gun.

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The is a Wholesaler of high quality car care products. For more details about Foam Gun visit our website at: -