Treating allergies in cats

Author: Oscar Pirez

Allergies are very common to each and every animal. Whatever be the case, allergies usually occurs when the immune system of your cat over-react to any sort of harmless things. There are certain symptoms which are associated with allergies like skin irritation which results in scratching, crusty rash as well as hair loss.

Types of allergies as seen in cats

There are different types of allergies seen in your pussy. One of the most common among them is Flea allergy. Fleas are very common in family member of feline but though they are not seen but still they are often responsible for itching. The saliva of the flea is often responsible for causing allergic reaction. In fact just a few flea bites are more than enough to cause problems.

In other cases, cats also suffer from an allergic condition which is addressed as atopy. This occurs when the animal inhales substances like pollens and dusts. In most cases, it is seen that cats usually tend to develop atopy from their parents if inherited. However there is no scientific proof behind it.

The third most common type of allergy is food allergy. This is usually developed with any sort of ingredient present in their diet which they have consumed like wheat, corn, fish and chicken.

How to diagnose allergies in cats

Often veterinarian tends to look into your cat’s history or loss of hair and skin sores around neck and back. Some cats tend to grow extra hair with bald patches.

Allergies of flea can be disorganized by looking for flea or droppings in your cat. It is very necessary to choose an effective flea control product.

Detecting food allergies is however a bit more trickier. It may happen if your cat is sensitive to something which it had been eating for some time. You should try to feed it something it had not eaten for nearly 8 to 12 weeks. If the skin condition improves then the food is certainly involves.

Atopy can be diagnosed by deciding and ruling out all other related causes for itching like flea as well as food allergy and infection.

How to treat allergies in cats

There are two effective ways to properly treat allergies in cats. The first step involves avoiding any thing that causes reaction and the second step involves treating it body in such a way it no longer causes allergy.

The first option works perfectly well for food allergies and flea but not well for atopy as you would not be able to keep your cat away from pollens and dust causing allergy.

There are several medications available which can effectively reduce and stop allergies like corticosteroids and antihistamines. However it is better to use drugs in proper consultation with your vet so as to avoid side effects of the drugs.

The best way to stop atopy by learning what causes allergy in your cat with intradermal injections. This injection will help you measure the body tolerance. This will effectively help to deal with allergies and treat them effectively.

Always remember that health care and cats (Salud Y Cuidado De Gatos) is your primary concern. Take care if that little feline of yours carefully and gift it a happy and healthy life.