Learning What Is Healthy Food and Why Obesity Comes from the Environment___

Author: Kate Brandon

Nowadays, supermarkets abound of shelves stocked with unhealthy food. What is healthy food should be a serious topic for those who want to lead a long and happy life. Also, read why obesity comes from the environment.

Statistics reveal that in Japan 3 people out of 5 reach the age of 100. This is surely related to their eating habits and daily activities principles. Any person can prologue his or her life as long as healthy living principles are adopted. Junk food makes up to 70% of what we see exposed in supermarkets. If it tastes good it doesn’t mean it’s also good for your health. What is healthy food should be a major concern for anyone who wants to remain healthy for as long as possible.

The fact that obesity comes from the environment is already clear and obvious, considering how supermarkets progressively invade every street corner of any larger or smaller neighborhood. We are governed by an era of high consumption, and obesity is more frequent than ever, harming people of all ages. Snacks and junk food don’t work with losing weight plans, and neither does avoiding physical effort. Three essential factors that we should be more careful with when planning to live a healthier life are food, drinks and exercise.

Healthy food is basically high in nutrients and low in energy. Take the time to discover what is healthy food, as a first step, but a serious research on this shouldn’t resume to that. How you eat, when you eat and how your diet correlates with your workout program are also important aspects. Eating vegetables before you decide on your main course is an excellent idea for those who want to lose weight. If you eat when you are hungry you might not take the best decision about what to eat, because your hunger takes the decision, instead of your rational thinking. Eating six times a day is a good habit, as long as your portions are low in energy. Also, avoid frying food, and cook it for the shortest possible time. Not skipping breakfast is another major rule that we should all respect for the better functioning of our metabolism.

Resisting temptation is an exercise that we must all be familiar with. It may taste delicious, but having another and another bite is a self indulgence we shouldn’t allow ourselves too often. Obesity comes from the environment, and environment doesn’t resume to local supermarkets. Family reunions that take place around the table, picnics or barbeques with friends are special events that should be more about communion, interaction, and less about satisfying our taste buds. If you want to eat for pleasure and taste as may courses as possible, you must remember about the small portions rule. It’s natural to leave the table with the feeling that you’re not hungry anymore, but your stomach should never be 100% full. Make is so that it is around 70% full, and you’ll see that that values more than the fleeting pleasure of your taste buds. So, get online, get further informed on having a balanced diet and reach your healthy living goals.

Read more about the statement that obesity comes from the environment at: obesity comes from the environment ( http://healthbmi.com/obesity-comes-environment/ ) and find answers to what is healthy food at: what is healthy food ( http://healthbmi.com/healthy-food/ ).