Surefire Ways to Make Yourself Feel Younger

Author: Arpita Kundu

Ever since you turned 30, you’ve frequently found yourself pining for your younger days. Despite being told by friends and family members that you’re not old, you’ve come to view yourself in an entirely different light. Every time you look in the mirror and see your lightly receding hairline and slightly larger waistline, you can’t help but feel that your best years are behind you. You aren’t old by any stretch of the imagination, but your perpetually pessimistic mindset prevents you from acknowledging that fact.

Rather than resign yourself to ever-present negativity, why not take some steps to regain your youthful energy? What you’re going through may be emotionally devastating, but your situation is hardly unique. Once many people reach a certain age, they find themselves trapped in the same mindset that’s caused you so much grief. Because of the unfair stigma many films, television series and other forms of popular media place on aging, a growing number of people dread getting older. Fortunately, there are a number of ways to break yourself out of an aging-related funk. If you’re determined to feel younger, make sure to put the following tips into practice.

Change Your Appearance

There’s no question that looking good is often synonymous with feeling good. When many people start looking slightly older than they did in their teenage and young adult years, they equate this change in appearance with old age. If your appearance has changed somewhat, it’s in your best interest to make those changes work for you. For example, if your youthful locks have started to thin or recede, consider adopting a hairstyle better suited to your current follicle situation. This may also entail using hair-care products designed for people with thinning locks. Additionally, if your skin has lost its pristine luster, numerous skincare creams and overnight spreads can help restore it to its former glory.

Stay Active

In addition to being conducive to good health and longevity, regular exercise has been proven to make people feel younger and more energetic and improve their general outlooks. Furthermore, staying active often goes hand-in-hand with maintaining a youthful appearance. As people age, their metabolisms slow down, thus creating the need for frequent physical activity. It’s hardly unusual for people who had lightning-fast metabolisms in their teens and 20s to gain a substantial amount of weight in their early 30s. Even if you’re among the lucky few who are able to effortlessly stay slim after 30, engaging in regular workouts is in your physical and emotional best interest.

Have a Life outside Your Home

After finishing college, getting a steady job and settling into adult life, it’s very easy to fall into a rut and adopt a socially-detached lifestyle. Following a long day at the office, socializing is liable to be the last thing on your mind. However, hanging out with friends and visiting family members on a regular basis plays an integral role in keeping your mind active and staving off boredom. No matter how drained your job and various daily responsibilities make you feel, make a point of devoting several nights a week to reconnecting with your nearest and dearest.

Contrary to what popular media would have you believe, getting older is not something that should be looked upon with dread. You’ve no doubt heard the saying numerous times, but age truly is just a number. When looking for ways to feel younger at any age, you can’t go wrong with appearance alterations, regular exercise and a healthy dose of socializing.

About the Author: Paul Marshall is a Bay Area-based software engineer and lifelong computer geek. After turning 30, he found himself consumed with thoughts of getting older and plagued by immense self-doubt. Soon after discovering the top-of-the-line hair and skincare products from Rod's Royal Treatment, Paul was able to look younger and regain his lost confidence.