Common FAQs on Single Trip Travel Insurance

Author: Lisa Jeeves

Here, some of the classic questions on single trip travel insurance and other aspects of travel cover are answered.

What is the difference between single trip travel insurance and normal travel insurance?

True, the industry doesn’t always do itself any favours with its choice of its product description terminology! However, this one is really straightforward. Among other things that can vary from one policy to another is how long the policy is valid for. Some may be valid for a period of time, whereas others only for a specific trip to a specified country within a given set of dates. Broadly speaking, a policy that provides you with a range of cover for just one particular trip will be called single trip travel insurance.

Why might a single trip policy better than a policy providing a longer period of cover?

You can’t really discuss single trip travel insurance in isolation and say that it’s better (or worse for that matter) than an open-ended policy. Depending upon your individual travel circumstances, it may either be more or less suitable than other options.

To give an example, let’s assume that you are planning a long weekend in France but have no plans to go abroad any time after that. In such a situation, a single trip travel insurance policy that defines one trip over a specified period of time might be easier on your budget than taking out an open-ended policy that would cover you for any number of trips within a year. After all, why would you wish to pay for cover that you are never going to use? However, should you be planning possibly several journeys in the year ahead, then an annual travel insurance policy may be far more suitable (i.e. flexible and cost-effective) for your needs.

Can I get a single trip policy that will cover me for anywhere I wish to go?

In principle, if you were able to buy an open-ended policy for a specific destination or destinations, then you should be able to obtain single trip cover for them. Do note, though, that there may be some parts of the world where your provider may decline to offer cover. Examples might include war zones or where the personal security risks were deemed to be so high as to be unacceptable. That would apply to all types of policies.

What would happen if I needed to stay on longer at my destination?

Typically that wouldn’t be a problem. Simply call your policy provider and notify them of your changed circumstances and requirements. They should be able to offer you a short-term extension or a separate policy covering your revised dates. There may, of course, inevitably be some form of administrative cost involved, though that should, in many cases, typically be modest.

If I had a single trip policy and needed to go to another country, how would that affect things?

It depends very much upon the exact parameters of the policy you purchased. For example, many policies of this nature are valid for all European Union countries. So, if you were in France and simply crossed the border into Spain for a few days, your policy would still be valid. However, if you were in Spain and suddenly decided to take the ferry over to North Africa to spend a few days, you would be best to consult your provider in advance.

Of course, you may purchase a policy that has very wide geographical cover included as standard but which simply limits that to a specified duration or date range. If that’s the case, then your single trip travel insurance should be valid for any of the countries concerned - but again, if you're in any doubt, a quick phone call back to your provider should put your mind at rest.

Patrick Chong is the Managing Director of Insuremore. We provide low cost travel insurance and offer a range of policies including single trip travel insurance, annual, multi-trip and family cover. For all your travel cover needs, Insuremore can help you in the quickest and most cost-efficient way.