640-692 Cisco Field Technician Certification Exam
640-692, Supporting Cisco Routing and Switching Network Devices exam focuses mainly on the skills which are required for on-site maintenance and support of switches, Cisco routers and operating environments. Technicians of this area must be able to recognize the switch models, cisco routers, cables, accessories, and interfaces. They should also be able to understand the cisco IOS software operating modes and recognize the commonly found software and also they should know how to use the (CLI) which is the cisco command line interface to service and connect products.
There are 4 major topics that that are included in the 640-692, Supporting Cisco Routing and Switching Network Devices exam. First one is identify cisco equipment all the related hardware’s. This includes knowing all cisco catalysts, series switches and all cisco integrated service routers. Students giving the exam also have to know the cabling on all the cisco equipment. They should also be able to identify the cisco products by the model number and logo marking and be able to locate the serial numbers on the cisco products.
The second one is about cisco IOS software operation. This includes knowing all the operating modes of cisco and navigating between the different operating modes. Students should know how to use and interpret the basic IOS software commands of cisco.
The third topic of the 640-692, Supporting Cisco Routing and Switching Network Devices is General networking knowledge which includes knowing what an IP address, subnet, FTP and TFTP is. Students giving the exam must know the basic functionalities of hardware like router, modem, LAN switch etc. They should also know what Telco termination point, telnet and ping are.
The last topic is service-related knowledge. This topic includes sub-topics like locating and using and locating terminal emulation, windows command prompt and text editor. Students should be able to know how to configure network settings for Ethernet port on laptop, how to make physical connection from laptop to cisco console point and configuring and verifying operation status of a device interface.
It is said that getting 640-692 certification test is considered to be the best foundation for supporting the other cisco systems and devices. But it is also to be noted that the exam is closed book and no notes from outside are allowed to be taken in the exam room.
The good part is that to become a Cisco certified technician for routing and switching network you must pass only one exam which is Supporting Cisco Routing and Switching Network Devices (RSTECH). There are no pre-requisites and this one is an entry-level certification.
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