Why you need to consider Liposuction?

Author: Adrina Sen

Liposuction is also referred as lipoplasty. Lipo is nothing but a cosmetic surgery where the physicians removes the fat from different parts of the patient’s body. The common areas treated are abdomen, thighs, buttocks, back part, neck and other different parts of the body. Normally, the liposuctions surgery is performed by giving general or local anesthesia.

Liposuction in Korea has become one of the most popular procedures to tone up our muscles, to increase the elasticity of skin. It has become an innovative way to sculpt body into a more wanted shape or size by removing the unwanted or excess fat. Liposuction is not implemented to everyone there is some restriction that is to be good candidate, usually be over 18 and in good general health, ongoing diet, exercise regimen.

The most common challenges faced while performing body contouring treatment is;

  • To take out limited quantity of fat.
  • Interruption of adjacent tissue ought to be minor that includes blood vessels and connective tissues.
  • Undisturbed to the parson’s fluid balance.
  • Avoid causing embarrassment to the patient while operating.

The most common areas treated for liposuction body contouring are abdomen, inner thighs hips, outer thighs, calves, flanks, pubis, inner knees, upper arms, backs and cheeks. Normally the excess fact in the human body is removed using a hollow tube and a suction device.

In a liposuction method there are certain things to be done before having the procedure

  • The candidate and the surgeon will discuss about the area to be treated and time requirement.
  • A signature from the candidate on the date of surgery.
  • Treatment area photo will be taken because of make difference between the before and the after.
  • In the operating room beta dine is applied to the relevant areas, it is mandatory

Depending on the extent of the liposuction, patients normally able to return or recover to work between two days and sometimes to be two weeks. Healthy eating habits and regular exercise may help us to reduce the body weight. Liposuction is done by an experience doctor and staff by using proper equipped facility is safer method.

Liposuction treatment types: Liposuction removes the fat from our body using suction. Small, thin, blunt tipped tubes will be used during the procedure. In recent years improved techniques are adopted in liposuction it is safer, easier, and less painful. These newer techniques include:

  • Tumescent liposuction: It is used to numb the area of our body where the tube will be inserted.
  • Ultrasound-assisted liposuction: In this technique it uses ultra sound to liquefy the fat, it is easier to remove.
  • Laser-assisted liposuction: To liquefy the fat it uses low energy waves and it is removed through a small cannula.

Liposuction procedure: The procedure may be performed as an outpatient procedure at the doctor’s clinic or surgery center and may require on overnight stay, it all will be depending on the liposuction undergoing. Anesthesia will give before the procedure begins and the surgery will be done at the time of sleeping. The length or the time taken of the procedure will differ with the amount of fat needing removed.

Author Bio :

The writer is an expert in the field of surgical industry with focus on Liposuction Body Contouring & Body Contouring Treatments