What are Psychosomatic disorders?

Author: John Smith

The fact that an individual is not well is enough to change a smile into a frown. And the frown is even more pronounced, when the person is a child or a family member. The health problem has been divided into the physical health problems, and the mental health problems. The physical health problems have a grave impact on the physical body of the individual. It involves the skin, the organs, hair, tissues and cells. Then there are the mental disorders, which alter the thinking capacity, concentration power, the basic nature and also sleep and food pattern. Then there is the Psychosomatic disorder. This word psycho implies mind and the word soma are related to the body. So these disorders are the ones which are related with both mind and body of the individuals. In fact these disorders worsen when the mental condition is not good. The mental health which an individual is dealing at the moment has actually a further bad impact on the life of the individual.

If one closely and clearly thinks, about each physical disease has a mental impact and vice versa. Supposedly an individual has a skin problem, it won’t let his/her mind to rest in peace. There are more chances of him/her becoming very irritable or having sleeping problems or concentration problem associated with it. Then it is likewise implacable, that the mental illness has a physical impact. Again taking an example, when an individual is suffering from a mental disorder like that of depression or stress, there are loads of chances, that he/she has its ill impact on the eating pattern. And eating pattern is related to physical health. In fact the diseases like psoriasis, eczema, high blood pressure; heart problems and stomach ulcers are the perfect examples of Psychosomatic disorders. These are made worse with stress and anxiety.

It is indeed interesting to understand how the mind has the capacity to have an impact on the physical well being of the individual. Basically when an individual is anxious or stressed out, there develops a fast heart rate. Then he/she may feel palpitations. Such individuals may also develop a nausea feeling. Then there are chances of sweating the hands or tremors as well. Similarly dry mouth is experienced by many. Chest pains and headaches are other common symptoms.

Hence when treating the Psychosomatic disorders, it is important that each symptom be taken care of. Here in the individual is treated as a whole.