Which Clothes Fit Your Pearl Jewelry

Author: Star Harvest Jewelry

Generally speaking, Pearl Jewelry and clothes are in harmony in any color and, of course, can also be used if you set with different precious stones ring. Summer casual wear material is soft, elegant colors, then choose to wear simple jewelry, small and will give the feeling of light, beautiful; too much excessive jewelry are not in keeping with skimpy clothing, of jewelry and clothing color strongly tonal inconsistencies.

In a warm happy atmosphere, only wearing a pearl necklace or gold chain will dull match with brooches, earrings and so on will take to heighten the effect. Diamonds, sapphires, emeralds and some fancy jewelry will make you gorgeous and charming.

Velour on the neckline of an ivory PIN or a pearl necklace around your neck, and wears a pair of bracelets, you'll be extra gentle and dignified, quiet and elegant.

Sweater yarn color is dark; Wear light colors, bright, shiny necklaces of pearls, diamonds, ivory, to be in stark contrast to results light colored Cardigan can be matched with dark purple Crystal, agate jewelry, especially beautiful stand out.

Winter thick texture, colors are warm, you should wear elegant, brightly colored jewelry. But rings not too loud, or wear gloves to be uncomfortable.

When you choose to wear jewelry, clothing buttons and lacing shapes must also be considered, not to create the same effect of repeated. Suit fabric pattern should not be confused and jewelry styling or clothing will be drowning down jewelry rudely. Plain or solid color fabric costume is a good idea to wear jewelry.

Different ages, wearing pearl jewelry wholesale should also be different. Red coral dress little girls, children, the young and lovely crops out. Moist-skinned girls, in the backdrop of a Crystal can be especially pure and moving.

Over 18 years old girls wearing ivory, Pearl Necklace and delicate gold necklace is elegant and charming, Peal sapphires, emeralds more delicate, Ruby makes people looked bright. A middle-aged man, jewelry is not only jewelry, also show that the economic situation and social status of a person. Middle-aged people should wear dark gemstone jewelry, high-end look young, demure and dignified. Older people generally like to dress up plain, old-fashioned gold trim and dignified color gems to make older people more of God and worthy.

Early spring, green mother, grandparents of green jade jewelry to refresh you, full of vitality; in summer, Sapphire and Amethyst can make people feel cooler and clean; amber, Onyx, Topaz, coordination with the autumn; white in winter, wearing Garnet and Amethyst on will make you look very mysterious. Pearl is suitable for year round wear.