How to promote your crowdfunding campaign in 5 easy steps
You’ve created your great project, you’ve done the research, created a prototype, decided on crowdfunding as a way for you to raise the funds to have your dream come true and now your just left with the massive question of; how to promote your crowdfunding campaign. Everything you’ve done up to this point can either fall apart, or your life will be changed forever. Great no pressure!
As I’ll say over and over again throughout all our blogs, your success is based on your pre-launch, this is where all your funds come from, where all your contacts come from and this is where you will know whether you’re going to be successful or it’s going to be a horrible, embarresing flop.
Here are the top 5 ways so you will know exactly how to promote your crowdfunding camapaign and if you have a great project, you’ll get funded.
1. Start long before you plan to launch and don’t launch until you’re readyThis is the number one mistake that most crowdfunders do. Learning how to promote your crowdfunding campaign starts months before you ever launch your project. Your key, just like any on-line business is building a large group of followers, a giant number of people that believe in you, want to tell all their friends about your amazing project and can’t wait for you to finally launch. Without a massive following before you launch and people willing to back you already before you launch your project your chance of being successful will be drastically reduced. Do not count on people finding you once you’ve launched, make sure they’ve already found you.
2. Social Media
Social media is one of the best ways to build followers, create conversations with your potential backers, introduce them to you and your project and have them share your story with all their friends. Social media allows you to post pictures, videos and get peoples feedback before you launch, you may think you have thought of everything, created the perfect product, ideal message and brilliant marketing strategy but until you get your loyal followers feedback you’ll never be completely sure. Use this time to fine tune everything, fine tune your message and make sure everyone knows exactly what your doing, that their as excited about it as you and they can’t wait to help fund your project.
3. Website
Your website is your staging area, the one place on-line that you have complete control to present yourself in the best light with no outside interference. You should clearly lay out the benefits of your product, tell the world who you are and why they should back you, introduce them to the excitement, passion and wild enthusiasm that you have for your project and the world soon will. Use every resource you have to get people email addresses and make sure you keep them up to date as to when you’re going to launch your project, how much you need, how much they should fund, why and when. Create a countdown clock to your great launch, ask people to get involved and make everything you put on your site able to be shared with all their social media.
4. Video
Your video is your way to introduce the world to you and your product. The video is an essential piece of the crowdfunding process. It humanizes your project and helps people get to know you and your background. It’s how you’re able to introduce your followers to your passion and excitement for your project. This is where you promote yourself and your project and you make sure that your viewers understand your message and walk away as excited as you are. Learning how to promote your crowdfunding campaign comes down to creating a great consistent message and video is the number one way to get that message across.
5. Your personal network
These are your prime cheerleaders, these are the people that will back you no matter what but remember for them to get their friends involved no matter how much they believe in you is to give them a great presentation that they can show to their friends. All success in your crowdfunding campaign involves getting as many people to back you as is humanely possible and those closest to you are your greatest allies.
Learning how to promote your crowdfunding campaign is essential to your success. Spend as much time on this aspect as you have on your product and remember, be excited, consistently and to everyone when talking, sharing or blogging about your project.
For More Information About basics of crowdfunding Visit Us
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