Consider These Important Factors Before Undergoing Rhinoplasty

Author: Alan Shifrin

Rhinoplasty, one of the most common surgical procedure out there is becoming something that more and more plastic surgeons have patients asking them for. And it makes a great deal of sense that this would become so popular in recent years.

Whether you are considering rhinoplasty to improve the looks of your nose, to correct the consequences of a trauma or accident, or you are hoping rhinoplasty will provide a sleep apnea cure for you due to breathing difficulties, it's important to learn all the facts before you commit to the surgery itself.

1. Having the practical expectations about your nose job surgical procedure is vital for reaching your ideal nose proportions. Use your surgeon's expertise and knowledge of the modern rhinoplasty techniques to make suggestions what could be realistic in your particular situation.

2. In Chicago Rhinoplasty surgery is performed by two techniques, namely, open and closed rhinoplasty. In open nose job procedure, the initial incision is placed on the outside fully revealing the internal structures of the nose. In closed rhinoplasty technique, the cut is made on the inside of the nostrils requiring surgeon's refined surgical skills.

  1. Choose your surgeon carefully by searching online for a well-trusted plastic surgery practice, read plastic surgery reviews and meet them in person to gain confidence in a particular doctor. Ensure that you discuss all your nose job surgery concerns in advance and ask the doctor to show your what your nose is going to look like post surgery using a computer imaging software to gain understanding whether his idea of your ideal nose matches yours.
  2. Consider the costs of rhinoplasty in Chicago, since most plastic surgery procedures are not covered by health insurance and you might have to pay for the surgery yourself. An average rhinoplasty surgery cost ranges anywhere from $3K to $8K depending on surgeon's skill level, surgery location and surgical methods used.
  3. Rhinoplasty recovery is a very lengthy process that can take anywhere from a couple of weeks to a couple of months depending on the set of procedures performed by your surgeon. Rhinoplasty swelling can be present in various individuals for a period of a couple of weeks and lasting as long as a full year. Some patients report losing nasal sensitivity for a very long time. Nose job surgery results are not apparent for the first few months due to rhinoplasty swelling.
  4. Rhinoplasty revision surgery might be necessary to correct unsatisfactory nose job results. The secondary rhinoplasty procedures are considered more complex and might require a cosmetic surgery specialist whose area of expertise is specifically nose job revisions.
  5. Rhinoplasty complications are rare but might arise in a surgery recovery phase like infection, anesthetics side effects, or unpredictable surgery results. Report any excessive swelling, bleeding, pain or fever at the first signs to your cosmetic surgeon.

Those who are considering a rhinoplasty in Chicago should not be overwhelmed by the amount of medical talk that goes along with the procedure. The fact is that a skilled surgeon will be certain that the proper precautions are taken in all different steps of the rhinoplasty, and full sedation is used to ensure that patients will be comfortable for the duration of the entire procedure.