Choosing the right colour scheme for the home

Author: Anna Preston

If you’re lucky enough to find yourself considering the new colour scheme of your own home, a home you are renovating or designing for a client, you’ll want to think about all the different factors that can affect your decision. Here are three key factors to consider when you’re thinking about a new interior design:

Whose house?

This will greatly affect the colours you choose and it’s probably the most important factor in interior design and home improvement. If you’re designing for a client you’ll be combining your skills with their idea of perfection, if you’re designing for yourself you’ll be able to let loose and do whatever you want (within reason!). The most difficult scenario is when you’re designing a theme for a house that you’re either renting out or selling on as you then have to appeal to the masses. In this instance you’ll want to focus on neutral tones and natural textures, trying to take your own personal taste out of the equation. Providing a neutral canvas for renters means they can put their own stamp on the place with furniture and accessories, and neutral colours in a house for sale will provide a blank canvas for potential buyers.


It is important to consider why you are changing the scheme in your home. If you’re designing for a client or for a home to rent out you’ll know why you’re decorating, however if you’re redecorating your own house you should ask yourself why in order to help you choose a new scheme. For example; if you have a blue and white theme running through the house, ask yourself why you no longer want blue and white. If it’s because it looks dated you’ll know you should perhaps think clean and modern and if it’s because it’s too bright you can consider a more natural theme this time so you’re less likely to go off the colour. Often people make the mistake of choosing similar colours to the ones they already have and so are more likely to get bored quickly, recognizing why you want to change what you already have is key to creating a successful interior that will be a long term investment rather than a quick fix.

Where in the house?

Where in the house are you planning to change? You’ll need to make sure that there are no sudden ends to patterns or clashes of colour when doors are open. Consider the use of flooring that could merge into lots of different rooms. For example; natural stone floor tiles could work in your kitchen and hallway merging your colour schemes together. Porcelain tiles could also have the same effect whilst bringing a little pattern to your house if you wanted something a little different. If you’re designing the colour scheme for a bathroom or kitchen you’ll want to try and use something that will remain suitable for a long time as these aren’t cheap renovations to do. Select patterned wall tiles carefully and remember simplicity often works best in practical rooms.