Aged Care Training
Caring for the aged is a specific task understood easily by those who have grandparents who stay at their homes only. Having their grandparents at home inculcates a security in the life and families of such people and makes them aware of the special requirements that they may need, which in many cases is different from all other members of the family. Special care and concern for them is required for them to be safe and secured.Most of those who are aged suffer from one or the other medical condition. In such cases, the family has to take them to their specialized doctor whom they might have been consulting for long, take surity in getting the prescribed drugs at the prescribed timings.
Difficulty Swallowing Medication
The aged people sometimes suffer from difficulty in ingesting their food as the food pipe muscles won’t contract as normal in the old age. They usually cannot drink milk and also suffer from problem in taking food into the stomach. This problem keeps them away from taking their foods normally. They are usually advised hot drinks like soup before they eat their normal vegetables and chapatis for their food.This is the general guidance given by their doctors which isz especially good for the aged and helps them in their digestion process, it is also good for the younger lot in the house to take warm drinks like soup before trheir meals as it also acts as an appetizer making them feel hungry and wanting to eat the food.
Dissolve Medication
The aged usually are advised special care when they face any type of problems. They may not be able to take in their medicines simply by swallowing them with water.In such cases, the care-taker of the aged has to take special care to dissolve the medicine in a spoonful of water, similar to the cases when a bitter medicine is to be taken by a small child which they always refuse to take as it spoils the taste in their mouth. Also, care has to be taken to dissolve the medicine in a spoonful of water and not the entire glass because in that case, the bad taste of the medicine will prevent the patient to take the entire glass tasting bitter. They are also advised to take sweet toffee that small kids usually take for taste.
Aged Care Staff Professional Development
The aged people in most homes require help of their appointed nurses or ward-boys for normal tasks too as they may not be able to finish the normal tasks in a nice way as they may be used to doing when they were young.This kind of feeling may even lead to several psychiatric problems if they fail to keep their minds occupied with their hobbies and creative things. The nurse or care taker should be competent enough to take care that the patient is provided with their medicine as per the timings suggested by their doctor. Also, the Aged-Care Staff should have undergone a Professional Development Course so that they are able to communicate in a way favourable to the aged to keep them happy and contended.
Old age has rightly been called the second childhood of one’s life as after one turns Aged Care E-Learning and old, they require help and support in doing all their tasks. See more here.