Treatments for gum diseases available with dentist Mumbai
Gum diseases are a very common disorder which people can fall prey to if they do not take sufficient care of their gums. Gum diseases can have various signs and symptoms, such as bad breath, swollen gums, improper taste in the mouth etc. which are caused due to lack of care. Formation of plague is one of the most common reasons as to why gum diseases occur. Since gum diseases are a progressive disease, which keeps multiplying like cancer, it is advisable to get it treated at the bud stage. Getting them treated initially by dentist Mumbai can save them from reaching the stage of criticality.
What are the different treatments available for gum diseases by dentists in Mumbai?
- Deep Cleaning: Deep cleaning typically involves scaling and planning. In this case, as the name suggests, the dental expert removes the plague through deep cleaning, which is by scaling and planning.
- Scaling is rubbing off the tartar, whereas root planning is removal of bacteria and germs at the root.
- Medications: Another easier option to treat gum diseases include, treating it through medications. Different medications can be given such as antiseptic chip, antibiotic gel and different oral tablets, depending on the stage of gum disease.
- Usually it is given for those in gingivitis stage. If medications are not successful, surgical treatment might be needed.
- Flap surgery: An option of flap surgery is needed to be exercised by dentist in Mumbai when the above two fails. As the name hints, it involves removing the tartar which has got deep inside, by lifting the gums.
- After removal of tartar, the gums are placed back in place, so that tooth tissues fit properly.
Gum diseases can also get rather serious and have harsher consequences, such as in the case of periodontitits. Periodontitis occurs in rare cases, where gingivitis is left untreated. It is a much more serious form of gum disease, which cannot be treated through deep cleaning or medications. In this case, Dentzz have to perform different types of surgeries, in order to treat this harsh gum disease.
- Bone grafts: Usually bone grafts are exercised, in cases of extreme criticality such as in the case of periodontitis. In this an artificial or real bone is grafted in the area where the loss of bone has occurred.
- Bone grafting is a highly complex procedure, which can also lead to tissue regeneration in some cases.
- In tissue regeneration, a mesh-like substance is filled in the gap between teeth and the gums.
- In a way, it allows the bone and tissue to grow by controlling the growth of gums.
- Though these treatments can be done in order to cure gum diseases, it is always advisable to regularly visit dentist in India, who can detect them early and treat them at the right time.